

The role of the Holy Spirit in Barth's understanding of the conjoining of divine and human activity in divine providence- [e-book]
The role of the Holy Spirit in Barth's understanding of the conjoining of divine and human activity in divine providence- [e-book]
Love, Gregory William.
The role of the Holy Spirit in Barths understanding of the conjoining of divine and human activity in divine providence - [e-book]
Princeton : Princeton Theological Seminary, 1997.
458 p.
Adviser: Daniel L. Migliore.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Princeton Theological Seminary, 1997.
요약 : Barth's central fault lies in his underemphasis of the Holy Spirit's role in enabling the creation of a unity of divine and created agency which does not abrogate the distinctive quality and genuine freedom of either agency. Barth's discussion of human faith includes a continuous and substantial discussion of this conjoining role of the Spirit (Chapter 6). However, Barth underemphasizes the role of the Spirit in maintaining the union of divine and human natures throughout Jesus' life. This pneumatological deficiency in his Christology leads to a corresponding lack of emphasis on the Spirit's role in divine providence, and the dominance of the fabrication analogies for conceiving divine agency (Chapter 7).
요약 : Davaney misreads Barth's restatement of divine providence, however, because she underestimates the value of five keys to his understanding of the conjoining of divine and human agency. Barth's concursus doctrine is strong in that it reshapes a philosophically correct form for the relation between sovereign divine and free creaturely agency according to the Christian content of God's relation to the world gained from the doctrines of election and the Trinity. His concursus doctrine coheres with the Biblical and theological understandings of God's activity in Jesus Christ, and with the human experience of faith (Chapters 3 and 4). It also bears fruit in three analogies for understanding concursus: analogies of fabrication, interpersonal relationship, and artistic expression (Chapter 5).
요약 : For the despondent person, the Christian Church renews hope by assuring that God has not abandoned God's creatures, but is actively bringing about God's good purposes, and God is doing so precisely in and through meaningful human choices and acts. But how can the Christian affirm that God is active with sovereign purpose in nature, history and individual lives in a way which coheres with our modern experiences of natural contingency, human free will and absurd events of suffering? The inability of contemporary models of divine agency to affirm both claims is rooted in the modern theological period's avoidance of the doctrine of pneumatology.
요약 : In contrast, a renewed emphasis on the Spirit's role in Christology opens horizons for interpersonal and aesthetic analogies which allow the Christian to speak of sovereign divine agency in ways which allow for elements of divine risk and improvisation, random and tragic events, and divine "play.".
요약 : The key to a new affirmation of the doctrine of providence is a clarification of the concept of concursus, of the conjoining of sovereign divine activity and free human activity, in events of divine providence. In Church Dogmatics III/3, Karl Barth presents one of the few detailed reinterpretations of the doctrine of providence in the twentieth century (Chapter 1). Sheila Davaney finds Barth's understanding of the relation of divine to human agency in concursus both internally incoherent and unintelligible in light of contemporary (feminist and process) understandings of power and freedom as inherently relational and mutually conditioning (Chapter 2).
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Princeton Theological Seminary.
Dissertation Abstracts International. 58-04A.
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