

Roman Catholic sacramental pneumatology after Vatican II- [e-book] : Some critical reflections
Roman Catholic sacramental pneumatology after Vatican II- [e-book] : Some critical reflections
Altpeter, Caroline.
Roman Catholic sacramental pneumatology after Vatican II - [e-book] : Some critical reflections
Toronto : University of St. Michael's College (Canada), 1993.
364 p.
Thesis (Th.D.)--University of St. Michael's College (Canada), 1993.
요약 : Pneumatalogy is the theological science which studies the divine being and external activities of the Holy Spirit. Sacramental pneumatology focuses explicitly on the Spirit's function and role in the sacraments of the Christian church.
요약 : Since the conclusion of Vatican Council II, several Roman Catholic theologians, have undertaken to explore anew the teaching of the Scriptures and tradition concerning the Spirit's operations in the ministry of Jesus, in the church and its sacramental activities, and in the universe.
요약 : The aim of this study is threefold. The first purpose is to explore the teaching of Vatican II concerning the Holy Spirit's relationship to Jesus, the church and the sacraments and to show where/how these ideas flow directly from changed or broader understanding in other areas of systematic theology (chapter 2). The second objective is to examine the revised sacramental rituals to ascertain the current measure of congruence between teaching and practice in this sphere of sacramental theology (chapter 3). The third intention is to consider the developments in content and method that have occurred in Roman Catholic sacramental pneumatology since Vatican II and to suggest areas requiring further exploration in the fields of both theological reflection and liturgical practice (chapters 4, 5, 6). In order to contextualize Vatican II's teaching, chapter 1 provides an overview of twentieth-century Roman Catholic sacramental pneumatology prior to the Council.
요약 : The study leads to the conclusion that what ultimately is to be hoped for is a theology of church and sacraments structured around a series of Christian affirmations relating to sacramental pneumatology: the presence and activity of Christ and of the Spirit in all of salvation history and especially in the church; an integration of Logos and Spirit Christology; an acknowledgement of the operation of the Spirit in the Christian community and in the so-called secular world; the church as simultaneously institutional and charismatic; the church's mission to diminish the discrepancies between the "already" and "not yet" aspects of the Kingdom of God; the sacraments as offers of grace and as acts of worship, as engagements with Father, Son and Spirit and involvement with others.
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University of St. Michael's College (Canada).
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T0003092 DT  Th.D. 전자화일 열람만 가능 열람만 가능

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