

The life -giving spirit- [e-book] : Toward a Christian panentheistic pneumatology for the Korean multi-religious context
The life -giving spirit- [e-book] : Toward a Christian panentheistic pneumatology for the Korean multi-religious context
Shin, Eun-Hee.
The life -giving spirit - [e-book] : Toward a Christian panentheistic pneumatology for the Korean multi-religious context
Toronto : University of St. Michael's College (Canada), 2000.
239 p.
Adviser: Harold Wells.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of St. Michael's College (Canada), 2000.
요약 : "Life-centred" is a particularly important notion in this thesis, since my position is that the Holy Spirit is best understood as a healing, life-giving Spirit for both humanity and the whole universe. Life-centrism is an all embracing term which includes Christ-centrism, God-centrism, and salvation-centrism. Holy Spirit is broadly understood as the ultimate source of life itself. That is, whatever generates true "life" in many other religio-cultures may be identified as the Holy Spirit. I shall attempt to exemplify a way of contextualizing Korean theology by focusing on ki/the Ultimate Ki panentheistic philosophy, which can be a resource for Korean pneumatology, and for the contextual interpretation of the Christian Scriptures. The pneumatological approach is a constructive way of understanding God as the life-giving Spirit, from which significant theological implications can be drawn in relation to a holistic idea of salvation. The basic approach of this work is not to deconstruct Western pneumatology, but to introduce Korean resources for the sake of a deeper intercultural theology.
요약 : The purpose of this thesis is to move toward the contextualization of life-centred Christian pneumatology through a dialogue with ki/the Ultimate Ki (Chigi) philosophy that represents Korean religio-cultural sentiments within the categories of panentheism. Ki/the Ultimate Ki is an East Asian/Korean term comparable to pneuma in Greek and ruah in Hebrew, both of which indicate the Spirit of God in the Christian tradition. The point of studying the Ultimate Ki is to theologize the life-centred aspect of this East Asian/Korean concept, which is perceived to be relevant for today's life-destroying context of political disenfranchisement, economic exploitation, ecological crisis, racism, sexism, and other social diseases.
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University of St. Michael's College (Canada).
Dissertation Abstracts International. 61-11A.
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T0002947 DT  Ph.D. 전자화일 열람만 가능 열람만 가능

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