

Messianic exegesis in the Apocalypse- [e-book] : The significance of the Old Testament for the christology of Revelation
Messianic exegesis in the Apocalypse- [e-book] : The significance of the Old Testament for the christology of Revelation
Hultberg, Alan David.
Messianic exegesis in the Apocalypse - [e-book] : The significance of the Old Testament for the christology of Revelation
Deerfield, IL : Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 2001.
460 p.
Mentor: D. A. Carson.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 2001.
요약 : Recent work on the use of the OT in Revelation demonstrates that the OT provides the primary conceptual background to that book. Past scholarship on the Christology of Revelation is inadequate because it fails to pay sufficient attention to the OT allusions in John's Christological images. This study therefore examines the use of the OT in Christological passages of the book of Revelation in order to clarify the Christology of the book. After establishing criteria for determining the validity of proposed OT allusions in Revelation, the study focuses on the determination of likely allusions in five main Christological passages in the book (Rev 1:5--7; 1:10--3:22; 5:1--14; 19:11--21; 22:6--21) and an analysis of the use made of those allusions. The author concludes that John relies especially upon six "messianiac" figures of the OT in formulating his Christology: the Davidic Messiah of Psalms 2 and 89; the Davidic Branch of Isaiah 11, the Servant of YHWH of Isaiah 42--53; the eschatological Warrior of Isaiah 62--65; the Son of Man of Daniel 7; and the Pierced One of Zechariah 12. It is argued that John is aware of the literary links that connect these figures in their various OT contexts and that he thus reads them as witnessing to a unified OT messialogy. In particular, John understands the OT to look forward to the coming of YHWH, the redeemer and king of Israel, to vindicate his saints, to destroy his enemies, and to establish his inclusive kingdom of justice and peace. But the coming God is blended to a greater or lesser degree in John's primary OT subtexts with a second, often ambiguous, "messianic" figure, who turns out on a unified reading to be the eschatological David of heavenly origin who dies to atone for the sins of his people. The Christology of Revelation thus asserts that Jesus is this Divine Messiah, at once identified with yet distinct from Israel's God, who died for his people, and who will come again to vindicate them against their enemies and dwell with them in eternity.
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Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
Dissertation Abstracts International. 62-02A.
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