

Gender-awareness and the psychosocial process of counseling- [e-book] : A study of the pastoral counseling of women
Gender-awareness and the psychosocial process of counseling- [e-book] : A study of the pastoral counseling of women
Rossman, Karen Mary.
Gender-awareness and the psychosocial process of counseling - [e-book] : A study of the pastoral counseling of women
Austin : The University of Texas at Austin, 1994.
168 p.
Supervisor: Lucia Albino Gilbert.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--The University of Texas at Austin, 1994.
요약 : As hypothesized, the higher endorsement of gender-aware counseling considerations was positively and significantly intercorrelated with participants' sex-role attitudes and reported progress on the gender role journey. Participants who responded with gender awareness showed a consistent pattern of response, endorsing the gender-aware items more and the neutral items less, across vignettes. Likewise, these gender-aware participants endorsed egalitarian sex-roles and reported progress on the gender journey.
요약 : Findings from this study suggest that clergy have been exposed to and influenced by feminist thought, particularly regarding egalitarian sex roles. Expanded parental roles for men appeared especially important. Implications of these findings for education in gender-awareness and for continued research is discussed.
요약 : The study of gender as it relates to social development, social structures, and social interactions is transforming psychological theories and research. Gender, understood within the context of psychotherapeutic process, is particularly important for the counseling of women (Lerner, 1988; Worell & Remer, 1992). While current literature indicates that gender awareness in the counseling situation is beneficial for both sexes, counseling women without gender awareness can be detrimental and ineffective.
요약 : This study explores the gender awareness of the Roman Catholic parish priest in his pastoral counseling role. Participants were 128 parish priests who responded to three gender salient counseling vignettes and two gender-related instruments (32% response rate). The priests were asked to rate and rank six gender-aware and neutral counseling considerations that followed each vignette. The model for the study was the Deaux and Major model (1987) of social interaction for gender related behavior.
요약 : Women seek counsel for psychological problems not only from mental health professionals but also from their pastors, especially if they are regular church attendees (Veroff, Kulka, & Douvan, 1981). While feminist theologians are examining church doctrine and scripture, few apply the gender literature to the pastoral counselor.
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The University of Texas at Austin.
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