

Yet saints their watch are keeping- [e-book] : Fundamentalists, modernists, and the development of ecclesiology in the Evangelical Protestant establishment, 1887-1937
Yet saints their watch are keeping- [e-book] : Fundamentalists, modernists, and the development of ecclesiology in the Evangelical Protestant establishment, 1887-1937
Utzinger, John Michael.
Yet saints their watch are keeping - [e-book] : Fundamentalists, modernists, and the development of ecclesiology in the Evangelical Protestant establishment, 1887-1937
Charlottesville, VA : University of Virginia, 2000.
204 p.
Adviser: Heather A. Warren.
Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 60-12, Section: A, page: 4475.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Virginia, 2000.
요약 : By using the lens of ecclesiology, I have tried to steer a middle course between these interpretations. Before the turn of the century the denominations of the Protestant establishment---Methodist, Episcopalian, Baptist, Disciples, Presbyterian, and Congregationalist---did not function in an ecclesiologically significant way. Rather, the interpretive communities of evangelicalism existed on the presbyterian, diocesan, conference, parachurch, or congregational levels. The functioning ecclesial networks existed underneath (and often beyond) the denominational and establishment tents.
요약 : I have considered the key roles played by advocates of revivalism, social Christianity, progressive orthodoxy, Keswick holiness, and premillennialism in the development of divergent ecclesiological visions in the establishment. Particularly, I attended to their different methods of cultural engagement, creation of communal identity, and the relationship of pneumatology with ideas of church authority.
요약 : In the late nineteenth century evangelicals sought to regain the cultural center in America. Their different strategies represented the diverse ecclesial communities in the establishment. While leaders of these intra- or trans-denominational networks argued that their rivals' tactics were ineffective or damaging, the denominational tents of the establishment remained broad enough to tolerate different ecclesiological visions. Ironically, the creation of an institutionally viable establishment, by means of denominational centralization, came at the expense of its ecclesial comprehensiveness. As a result, establishment denominations took on new ecclesiological significance. Those disenfranchised by the consolidation of power and resources revolted. Fundamentalists in the NBC, modernists in the PCUSA, and restorationists in the Disciples sought to regain an official voice in their national bodies. Moreover, only schism or decentralization settled their dispute.
요약 : Interpretations of the fundamentalist-modernist controversy have previously followed two trajectories. Social interpreters saw the dispute as reaction between the old-fashioned and the progressive against the tides of scientific progress, urbanization, industrialization, and secularization. Intellectual critiques of the social interpretations showed that fundamentalism and modernism had intellectual roots that ante-dated their controversy. However, these interpreters have not satisfactorily explained why the controversy itself occurred. Why if the intellectual traditions of fundamentalism and modernism coexisted previously under the tent of the evangelical Protestant establishment could they no longer maintain peaceful coexistence in the 1920s?
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University of Virginia.
Dissertation Abstracts International. 60-12A.
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