

Selected aspects of spiritual warfare in the New Testament and their implications for evangelism- [e-book]
Selected aspects of spiritual warfare in the New Testament and their implications for evangelism- [e-book]
Adarkwa, Kennedy Ahenkora.
Selected aspects of spiritual warfare in the New Testament and their implications for evangelism - [e-book]
Fort Worth, TX : Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2002.
272 p.
Adviser: Malcolm McDow.
Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 63-11, Section: A, page: 3979.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2002.
요약 : From the life of Jesus and the experiences of the early church, the modern church can learn and apply effective strategies in confronting the opposing forces of God. For effective results in evangelism, the church must live and apply Christ's victory on the cross and in the resurrection in the power of the Holy Spirit in order that those who are under the domination of Satan might be set free.
요약 : The dissertation presents New Testament methods to combat spiritual warfare and its implications for evangelism. The researcher analyzes the prerequisite of an evangelist, contemporary views on spiritual warfare, worldviews regarding spiritual warfare and evangelism, and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit in evangelism.
요약 : The purpose of this dissertation is to investigate the relationship between spiritual warfare and evangelism in the New Testament. This investigation takes into account the historical, cultural, exegetical, theological, and practical perspectives found in the New Testament. In addition, this study examines the validity of spiritual warfare in modern evangelism.
요약 : The research examines selected texts in the New Testament that deal with the concept of Satan. The strategies of Jesus in his responses to spiritual warfare are delineated. Biblical passages are investigated in order to discern how Jesus responded to temptations in the wilderness, his victory over the demons, his teachings on the role of the Holy Spirit in evangelism, and the Holy Spirit's empowerment of the disciples for evangelism.
요약 : The research extends to the apostolic engagement in spiritual warfare in Acts. The primacy of Pentecost is examined. The dissertation appraises Satan's strategies against the early church's evangelism. The strategy of the early church for evangelism in spiritual warfare is explained.
요약 : The sources used in this research include selected texts from the Book of Acts, primary and secondary sources on spiritual warfare, Bible Dictionaries and Encyclopedias, Commentaries, Lexicons, essays, journal articles, and dissertations on spiritual warfare. Fidelity to the biblical text is the guiding principle for this research.
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Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
Dissertation Abstracts International. 63-11A.
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