

An investigation of the influence of the new hermeneutic on recent preaching theory- [e-book]
An investigation of the influence of the new hermeneutic on recent preaching theory- [e-book]
Kirkland, Robert Wayne.
An investigation of the influence of the new hermeneutic on recent preaching theory - [e-book]
New Orleans : New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, 1987.
151 p.
Chairman: Harold T. Bryson.
Thesis (Th.D.)--New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, 1987.
요약 : Chapter I consisted of a study of the philosophical and theological background of the new hermeneutic. Martin Heidegger's philosophical concept of Being and Rudolf Bultmann's theological concept of existence provided the immediate background for the movement.
요약 : Chapter II consisted of a study of the major emphases of the new hermeneutic. Primary attention was given to Ernst Fuchs and Gerhard Ebeling as European pioneers and to James M. Robinson and Robert W. Funk as American pioneers in the movement. The investigation revealed that the two most influential emphases of the movement were the event-character of language and the reversal of the subject-object approach in traditional philosophy.
요약 : Chapter III consisted of the results of an analysis of selected recent writings related to preaching theory which were influenced by the new hermeneutic. The major influence of the new hermeneutic on recent preaching theory was determined to be in two ways. First, recent notable writers have drawn from the new hermeneutic in the structuring of their works related to preaching. Second, specific areas of emphasis in recent preaching theory have been influenced by the movement. Attention was given to four specific areas of influence: the rediscovery of the oral character of preaching, the purpose of the sermon, the approach to the biblical text, and the design of the sermon.
요약 : The purpose of the dissertation was to investigate the theological movement known as the new hermeneutic in order to evaluate its influence on recent preaching theory.
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New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.
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등록번호 청구기호 소장처 대출가능여부 대출정보
T0003422 DT  Th.D. 전자화일 열람만 가능 열람만 가능

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