

A socio-anthropological analysis of Gentile-Jew relationships in Rome and Antioch- [e-book]
A socio-anthropological analysis of Gentile-Jew relationships in Rome and Antioch- [e-book]
Hood, Renate Viveen.
A socio-anthropological analysis of Gentile-Jew relationships in Rome and Antioch - [e-book]
New Orleans : New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, 2002.
266 p.
Adviser: William F. Warren, Jr.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, 2002.
요약 : Chapter 2 was structured like chapter 1 but with the focus on Antioch. Gentile-Jew relationships in the Christian community of Antioch seemed close, at times a cause for conflict, yet expressed in a Jewish-Christian environment that was closed to formal Judaism.
요약 : Gentile-Jew relationships in Christian communities were not uniform throughout the Mediterranean basin, differing in the various locations such as Rome and Antioch due especially to the nature of the larger society's makeup. If, as in Antioch, the larger society contained a sizable Jewish population, the Christian community struggled to define itself against the Jewish community as well as the larger Gentile pagan society. When the society did not include a large percentage of Jews, the Christian community tended to define itself against the dominant Gentile pagan society, as in Rome.
요약 : In chapter 1, Rome's historical and geographical setting was given, along with socio-anthropological analyses of pertinent ancient writings and a consequent description of the Christian community in Rome. The form of Christianity in the Christian community of Rome seemed predominantly Gentile. Jews and Gentiles likely interacted with one another within the Christian community without much pressure from Judaizers.
요약 : In chapter 3, a comparative analysis of Christian communities in Rome and Antioch was conducted that highlighted both similarities and divergences between the two Christian communities and their respective approaches to Christian-Jewish relationships. Approaches to Gentile-Jew relationships were found to diverge between the Christian communities in Rome and Antioch. These divergences, and thus different social dynamics, were due to the influence of the dominant external culture in each of the cities and the internal make up of each of the communities. Antecedents for some of the findings were found in the New Testament texts with concurrent provenances.
요약 : Were the approaches to Gentile-Jew relationships uniform throughout the Mediterranean basin among the Christian communities? The thesis defended in this dissertation was that the early Christian communities in Rome and in Antioch had different social approaches regarding Gentile-Jew relationships, with antecedents to these approaches reflected in some New Testament texts. The features of the early Christian communities in Rome and Antioch were analyzed in this research using socio-anthropological criticism, with the respective approaches to Gentile-Jew relationships in each Christian community then determined. The final results were analyzed in light of selected New Testament writings to see whether antecedents to the respective approaches were evident in the New Testament text.
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T0003439 DT  Ph.D. 전자화일 열람만 가능 열람만 가능

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