

Haggai and the return of YHWH- [e-book]
Haggai and the return of YHWH- [e-book]
Patrick, Frank Yeadon.
Haggai and the return of YHWH - [e-book]
Durham : Duke University, 2006.
265 p.
Adviser: Eric M. Meyers.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Duke University, 2006.
요약 : Although Haggai emphasizes the blessings that will accompany YHWH's return to the rebuilt temple, he does not envision the rebuilding as a manipulation of YHWH. Rather, Haggai considers the rebuilding to be an act of covenant obedience. By rebuilding the temple, the people affirm their covenant commitment to YHWH, who restores the covenant relationship with the people. As a result of this restored relationship, YHWH's glorious presence returns to the temple and the people experience a greater manifestation of YHWH's blessings.
요약 : Although the oracles of the second chapter are often examined in isolation, my analysis highlights their interconnectedness. Specifically, these three oracles address in more detail the issues introduced in the first chapter. Haggai 2:1--9 engages questions about the absence of grandeur in the temple. Apparently, the absence of physical glory in the temple aroused doubts about the legitimacy of the return of YHWH's physical glory. Haggai 2:10--19 addresses the people's concerns about their difficult agricultural circumstances. By interacting with the priests, Haggai asserts that the temple is unclean and therefore unfit for the presence of YHWH. This uncleanness is spreading throughout the community so that even the people's agricultural yields are adversely affected. Haggai 2:20--23 engages concerns about Zerubbabel and the political situation in Yehud. Although Yehud is currently under foreign rule, YHWH will one day act as the divine warrior and assert his cosmic rule. Then, the people will experience the fullness of YHWH's presence and blessing.
요약 : My exegetical analysis of the book of Haggai offers many new insights about the book's four oracles and the literary composition as a whole. The book is an artistic literary composition in which the narrative and oracular components of the text are well-integrated. This design is particularly evident in the chiastic structure of the first chapter. The chiastic design begins with a presentation of the primary difficulty addressed throughout the book. Because of the difficult conditions in Yehud, the people assume that YHWH is absent and the appropriate time for rebuilding the temple has not arrived. Haggai contends that the people should rebuild in order to prepare for YHWH's imminent return.
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Duke University.
Dissertation Abstracts International. 68-07A.
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