

Job and the Limits of Wisdom- [e-book]
Job and the Limits of Wisdom- [e-book]
Hankins, Charles Davis.
Job and the Limits of Wisdom - [e-book]
Atlanta : Emory University, 2011.
511 p.
Adviser: Carol A. Newsom.
Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 72-10, Section: A, page: 3779.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Emory University, 2011.
요약 : That Job poses a "crisis" for Israel's wisdom tradition is a long-held critical consensus. Job's suffering despite his righteousness is thought to challenge the wisdom tradition which, being grounded in retribution, is supposedly unable to imagine either that a righteous person would suffer or that a sufferer would be righteous. Since von Rad's analysis in 1970 the trend has been to emphasize the centrality to the wisdom tradition of the sentences in which the sages spoke of the "limits of (their) wisdom." Yet the idea of wisdom as a rigid system of retribution persists in articulations of the challenge that Job poses to wisdom. The present project discards this demonstrably false idea of wisdom as rigid retribution so as to reassess Job's place in Israel's tradition. Does Job pose any actual problems for wisdom? How could one challenge a tradition that celebrates its limits? I propose that such a crisis can be identified wherever it can be demonstrated that the previous tradition's mode of dealing with its limits has been transformed.
요약 : The bulk of the dissertation consists of an exegetical analysis that investigates the nature and function of wisdom and its limits in the book of Job and its tradition. I carry out this analysis with the help of several interdisciplinary resources, especially psychoanalytic and philosophical concepts and categories associated with Jacques Lacan. I reject a number of staid ideas, but the analysis is not simply critical. I dispense with various conventions so as to make room for new frameworks that cast the book's driving issues in new light. In the end I find that the interpretive community has been right that the book of Job poses a crisis for wisdom, but the grounds on which I make my case are quite different. I raise theological and ethical questions throughout that advance toward a final intervention into the enthusiastic (re)turn to character ethics in biblical studies. I contend that this embrace of character ethics may stand as damned as the tradition stands denounced by Job's testimony.
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Emory University Religion
Dissertation Abstracts International. 72-10A.
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