

Athletic exemplars in the New Testament and early Christian martyrological literature- [e-book]
Athletic exemplars in the New Testament and early Christian martyrological literature- [e-book]
Brodin, Kari Lynn.
Athletic exemplars in the New Testament and early Christian martyrological literature - [e-book]
Pasadena : Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Theology, 2000.
203 p.
Adviser: David M. Scholer.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Theology, 2000.
요약 : In the Greco-Roman world, an individual's behaviors or attitudes could be held forth for emulation by means of description with athletic imagery: this phenomenon may be termed the "athletic exemplar." The aim of this study is to identify, trace the usage and examine the functions of the athletic exemplar in the Greco-Roman and Hellenistic Jewish milieus, and to examine several New Testament and early Christian martyrological texts in light of these findings.
요약 : Recognition of the athletic exemplar and its usage is then applied to texts from the New Testament and the early church. The portrayal of the apostle Paul as an athletic exemplar is traced in 1 Cor 9:24--27, Phil 3:12--14, and 2 Tim 4:6--8. The athletic exemplar texts function in various ways in these passages to illustrate faithful and purposeful living in light of the eschatological prize, to support apologetically the authoritative status and role of Paul for the communities addressed, and to call for imitation of Paul's worthy example. Jesus is presented as the athletic exemplar extraordinaire in Heb 12:1--3. The author of Hebrews thereby illustrates Jesus' enduring faith, demonstrates that a seemingly ignominious death was in fact worthy of supreme honor, and calls for readers to emulate Jesus' faith within their own circumstances. A survey of athletic exemplars from the pre-Constantinian martyrological literature of the early church, including acts, passions, and writings of the early church fathers, reveals illustrative, apologetic, and mimetic purposes in the usage beyond the New Testament.
요약 : Since the athletic exemplar is essentially a combination of metaphor and example, the features and capabilities of these two rhetorical devices are first delineated. Numerous instances of the athletic exemplar are then cited from Greco-Roman and Hellenistic Jewish literature, ranging from descriptions of an ideal type to the athletic depiction of particular legendary or historical individuals such as Heracles, Socrates, Job, and Abraham. Three primary functions of the athletic exemplar emerge: illustrative, apologetic, and mimetic. A basic function was to illustrate attitudes and actions via the athletic imagery. Further, as a persuasive tool the athletic exemplar frequently functioned apologetically to make a claim for what was worthy of honor, and mimetically to call for imitation of the worthy model.
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Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Theology.
Dissertation Abstracts International. 61-03A.
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