

Collective impact in Congregational Mission- [e-book] : A multisite case study of a congregation to field partnership
Collective impact in Congregational Mission- [e-book] : A multisite case study of a congregation to field partnership
Wesley, David.
Collective impact in Congregational Mission - [e-book] : A multisite case study of a congregation to field partnership
Deerfield : Trinity International University, 2012.
218 p.
Adviser: Robert Priest.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Trinity International University, 2012.
요약 : The research methodology utilized to understand the Swaziland Partnership network was a multi-site ethnography within a qualitative single case-study to describe an environment conducive to an emerging paradigm in mission; one in which a local U.S. congregation acts as a catalyst for an emerging mission pattern of collective impact as multiple organizations in the U.S. and Swaziland strategically network toward a large scale objective to address HIV/AIDS in Swaziland.
요약 : This dissertation is a study of a mission partnership involving innovation within the work of an historic U.S. congregation and an historic mission field in Swaziland. The case study research of the Swaziland Partnership describes the first four years of a collaboration between a congregation in the U.S. and Christians in Swaziland working to address the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Swaziland. This partnership has provided a platform for large scale catalytic funding beyond the congregation and mission field toward holistic mission in Swaziland. The Swaziland Partnership described in this study is an emerging mission pattern that includes Short Term Mission, historic mission development, holistic mission, and congregational partnerships. The result is a synergistic impact, which is greater than the combined efforts of short-term mission, congregational offerings and Swaziland participation.
요약 : This research suggests that cross-sector overlap of multiple organizations, in collective impact through a congregation, offers an emerging form of missions which needs further investigation, particularly since it is at these overlaps that juncture as well as disjuncture takes place. These overlaps provide great potential for future mission efforts; however these same overlaps, through the good intentions and large scale donations, may contain unintended results of dependency disrupting the objectives to make a long term effect on the HIV/AIDS crisis.
요약 : This single case study of the Swaziland Partnership contained four primary research components: (1) a descriptive study of the development of the Swaziland Partnership; (2) a description and analysis of how catalytic networks and relationships were activated through this partnership; (3) an analysis of the varied partners' perspectives of the Swaziland Partnership's objectives; and (4) an exploration and analysis of the indicators of quality, healthy relationships between those involved in the Swaziland Partnership.
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Trinity International University Intercultural Studies
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