

The mission of doctrine- [e-book] : An evangelical appropriation of the Missio Dei as a Key for systematic theology
The mission of doctrine- [e-book] : An evangelical appropriation of the Missio Dei as a Key for systematic theology
Whitfield, Keith S.
The mission of doctrine - [e-book] : An evangelical appropriation of the Missio Dei as a Key for systematic theology
Wake Forest : Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2013.
300 p.
Adviser: Daniel Akin.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2013.
요약 : Chapter 3 proposes a missio-communicative divine ontology as the foundation for a Trinitarian basis for mission. The proposal is formulated by engaging the neo-classical Trinitarian doctrines of Karl Barth, Karl Rahner, and Social Trinitarians. This evaluation concludes that these models are unable to ground the divine ad extra works in the ad intra life of the Triune God. The proposed missio-communicative divine ontology is developed from Kevin Vanhoozer's communicative ontology in RemythologizingTheology. Vanhoozer's model provides a starting place for grounding God's ad extra acts in the ad intra life of the Triune God with a speech-and-act communicative ontology, and his model provides an eschatological context from which to do theology. The missio-communicative ontology provides an eschatological orientation for theological reflection by explicitly adding knowing to a speech-and-act communicative ontology.
요약 : Chapter five considers the conclusion of chapters 3 and 4 by situating the proposal in the context of evangelical theological reflection on method, the nature of doctrine and the function of Scripture in light of certain cultural changes. This last chapter also proposes a method for applying the theological hermeneutic developed in this chapter, along with a missio-nature of doctrine and missio-doctrine of Scripture. (Abstract shortened by UMI.).
요약 : Chapter four addresses how the relationship between the missio Dei and the mission of the church has been conceived in order to construct a missional theological hermeneutic for theological reflection. In this discussion, one finds missio Dei employed as a theological concept that shapes the mission of the church, and how one's doctrine of the missio Dei directs their reading of Scripture and ecclesiology. In this discussion, Lesslie Newbigin's missional hermeneutic directs the development of the Eschatological-Christocentric-Trinitarian missio-theological framework. Also, it is argued in this chapter that a missional hell ieneutic helps to bridge the gap between the disciplines of biblical theology and systematic theology better than an exclusive canonical or salvation historical approach to hermeneutics and theology.
요약 : Chapter one demonstrates that prior to this study, biblical scholars have begun to acknowledge that mission is Central to the message of Scripture. This recognition gives rise to whether mission can also be central to the task of systematic theology. The study argues that missio Dei can be used as a key if mission is properly grounded in the nature of the Triune God and if mission captures the story of Scripture. Finally, the first chapter clarifies that the nature of a missio-theology is a theology that is shaped by the missional nature of God and the missional story of Scripture.
요약 : Chapter two traces the history of the intersection of mission and theology. The chapter shows that while there have been many attempts to connect these disciplines, no proposal has been able to sustain the project, and the conclusion is drawn that the reason for the shortcoming of the previous proposals is a lack of a properly grounded biblical-theological key. From this conclusion, the remaining sections of the chapter survey and evaluate the history of how missio Dei has been conceived and used. It is concluded that the critical weakness for the missio Dei has been a failure to ground mission in the ontological nature of the Triune God.
요약 : This dissertation argues t
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