

Rhetoric, composition and preaching- [e-book] : What homiletic pedagogy can learn about imitation from composition pedagogies
Rhetoric, composition and preaching- [e-book] : What homiletic pedagogy can learn about imitation from composition pedagogies
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Pearson, Calvin Frederick.
Rhetoric, composition and preaching - [e-book] : What homiletic pedagogy can learn about imitation from composition pedagogies
Publish Info  
Arlington : The University of Texas at Arlington, 2012.
Material Info  
273 p.
General Note  
Adviser: Kevin Porter.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--The University of Texas at Arlington, 2012.
요약Across the centuries there have been thousands of books and articles written about preaching and writing. Homiletics and Composition Studies have this in common. A great difference comes when one looks for information about the teaching of these two closely related fields. Composition Studies has a great abundance of books, articles, journals available to the teacher of composition; Homiletics has only a dozen or so, and those when read yield very little practical guidance as to how to teach preaching. This project seeks to show how the pedagogy of composition can inform the pedagogy of homiletics. Through the study of how imitation has been used in the past and how it is being used currently to teach composition guidelines were established and used for the use of imitation in the homiletic classroom. An empirical study was conducted comparing the results of two classes. One was taught by incorporating imitation methodology which was gleaned from composition's use of imitation on and the other class taught without this methodology. The class which was taught using a methodology gleaned from composition pedagogies showed higher levels of learning. While there is a great need for the pedagogy of homiletics to be explored, teachers of preaching can enhance their effectiveness by becoming familiar with and drawing from the wealth of information found in the pedagogies of composition.
Subject Added Entry-Topical Term  
Education, Religious
Subject Added Entry-Topical Term  
Language, Rhetoric and Composition
Added Entry-Corporate Name  
The University of Texas at Arlington English
Host Item Entry  
Dissertation Abstracts International. 73-11A(E).
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