

Rewriting the Torah: Literary revision in Deuteronomy and the Holiness Legislation
Rewriting the Torah: Literary revision in Deuteronomy and the Holiness Legislation
Stackert, Jeffrey Richard.
Rewriting the Torah: Literary revision in Deuteronomy and the Holiness Legislation
Waltham : Brandeis University, 2006.
339 p.
Adviser: David P. Wright.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Brandeis University, 2006.
요약 : In the end, the Holiness Legislation proves to be a sort of "super law" that collects and distills the several law collections that precede it. By accommodating, reformulating, and incorporating various viewpoints of these sources, the Holiness authors create a work that is intended to supersede them all.
요약 : This study explores literary correspondences among the pentateuchal legal corpora and especially the relationship between similar laws in Deuteronomy and the Holiness Legislation (Lev 17--26, the so-called "Holiness Code," as well as significant parts of the Priestly source elsewhere in the Pentateuch). Resemblances between these legislative sources range from broad structure to fine detail, including the treatment of similar topics, correlations with regard to sequence of laws, and precise grammatical and lexical correspondences. Nevertheless, the nature and basis of their similarities persist as debated points among biblical scholars, whose theories for explaining such issues range from direct, literary dependence of one text upon another (with chronological priority afforded to any of the respective sources) to the complete independence of the different legal corpora.
요약 : Through a comparative examination of the legal topics of asylum, seventh-year release, manumission for slavery, and tithes, this study argues that the Holiness Legislation depends upon both the Covenant Collection and Deuteronomy. It also elucidates the compositional logic of the Holiness legislators in their interaction with their source texts, showing that these authors do not simply replicate pre-existing legal content. Rather, they employ a method of literary revision in which they reconceptualize source material according to their own ideological biases.
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Brandeis University.
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