

John 21 and the question of the literary integrity of the Fourth Gospel- [e-book]
John 21 and the question of the literary integrity of the Fourth Gospel- [e-book]
Cummings, Charles H.
John 21 and the question of the literary integrity of the Fourth Gospel - [e-book]
Dallas, TX : Dallas Theological Seminary, 2013.
326 p.
Advisers: W. Hall Harris; Daniel B. Wallace.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Dallas Theological Seminary, 2013.
요약 : Chapters three through five consider the external and internal evidences that have been proposed as underlying arguments for and against the origins of this chapter. As with chapter two, the results are inconclusive; the boundaries of classical genres are not strict enough to argue for or against the original inclusion of John 21 in the structure of the Gospel, the comparisons with other texts of known or conjectured authenticity fail to provide clear principles whereby John 21 can be evaluated, and the vocabulary and style of this chapter are sufficiently similar and dissimilar from the body of the Gospel to yield mixed results.
요약 : In chapter six, a summary of my conclusions is presented. The thesis argued is that John 21 was a later addition to the body of the Fourth Gospel, a conclusion rooted in the perception that the Sitz im Leben of this chapter (with its strong emphasis on Peter and the Beloved Disciple rather than the person and mission of Jesus) differs greatly from that of chapters 1-20. From there, chapter six and the appendix detail possible implications of these conclusions for the questions of the authorship, dating, and setting of the events described in John 21.
요약 : This study consists of three sections. After the topic is introduced in chapter one, the subsequent chapter undertakes a survey of the debate regarding the origins of John 21 (from the late nineteenth century to the present day), the goal of which is to establish what consensus there has been (if any) as to the value of source-critical and literary approaches to resolving this question. The conclusion reached is that, despite the prevalence of influential source-critical theories, these reconstructions often vary greatly in methods, details, and results, and there has been no proposal that has won the day in definitively viewing John 21 as an original element of the composition of the Fourth Gospel nor a later addition to it.
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Dallas Theological Seminary.
Dissertation Abstracts International. 75-05A(E).
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