

Scripture and community- [e-book] : The socio-rhetorical effect of Matthew's prologue-quotations
Scripture and community- [e-book] : The socio-rhetorical effect of Matthew's prologue-quotations
Piotrowski, Nicholas G.
Scripture and community - [e-book] : The socio-rhetorical effect of Matthews prologue-quotations
Wheaton : Wheaton College, 2013.
394 p.
Adviser: Nicholas Perrin.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Wheaton College, 2013.
요약 : In narrating his 28-chapter story Matthew employs thirteen formula-quotations. Seven---more than half---are crowded into the first four chapters. While great attention has been paid to the evangelist's use of the Old Testament as a means of discovering his sources and their text-forms, very little has been done to elucidate the hermeneutical effect such front-loading has on the level of the narrative. Conclusions about Matthew's church, therefore, are lacking without taking full account of the quotes' contents as well as the narrative worlds they generate into the gospel. To redress this I employ a socio-rhetorical approach that takes seriously the perlocutionary effect of the story.
요약 : In the final analysis, Matthew's prologue-quotations have a socially formative effect. The intertextual conversations contribute to selecting interpretive frames whereby the exile and its end become determinative paradigms for Matthew's ecclesiology. Jesus is the son of David whose eschatological mission is to end the crisis and re-form Israel. Those who respond to his preaching (summarized in 4:17) and place themselves under the atonement he provides (summarized in 26:26--28, anticipated in 1:21) are Yahweh's eschatological end-of-exile people. This is a Christology situated in the landscape of the OT prophets' hope for restoration. The narrative's effect on Matthew's church was the formation of a self-identity in terms of the OT metanarrative's incompleteness vis-a-vis an enduring exile. In turn, it also shaped their understanding of other groups with a competing ideological claim on the same ancient metanarrative.
요약 : The seven prologue-quotations have in common that they all emerge from OT contexts concerned with David or the end of the exile or, more often, both. Taken together, they form a constellation of texts that evoke specific and interrelated expectations for Israel's future. The prologue's narration progresses through intertextual conversations with these seven quotations that select two dominant frames: "David" and "end-of-exile". These frames become for the reader an interpretive guide for understanding not only the prologue but the entire narrative in terms of the OT's expectations for a son-of-David-led restoration.
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Wheaton College Biblical and Theological Studies
Dissertation Abstracts International. 74-12A(E).
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T0005385 DT  Ph.D. 전자화일 열람만 가능 열람만 가능

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