

Rediscovering a critical theology of religion- [e-book] : Religious pluralism and theology of the cross
Rediscovering a critical theology of religion- [e-book] : Religious pluralism and theology of the cross
Zub, David John Carl.
Rediscovering a critical theology of religion - [e-book] : Religious pluralism and theology of the cross
Victoria : Emmanuel College of Victoria University, 2001.
239 p.
Adviser: Harold G. Wells.
Thesis (Th.D.)--Emmanuel College of Victoria University (Canada), 2001.
요약 : "Pluralism" is a widely diverse and stimulating approach to religious multiplicity and diversity that identifies all self-declared religion as being at least potentially salvific i.e. virtually all 'religion' is interpreted as positive. While clearly part of Christian diversity, the religious expression loosely known as the "Christian Religious Right," a phenomena that relies upon its relationship with the dominant power politics of some specific cultural milieu---a kind of 'caesaro-pietism'---is seldom considered in pluralist formulations. Seemingly incompatible, both approaches articulate a view that salvation is a human work. Both possess an orientation that I describe in this thesis as a 'theotropical doctrine of synteresis.' Similarly, bout approaches fail to acknowledge the religious nature of ideological, political and economic structures that do not call themselves "religion," but which possess religious attributes that are toxic to individuals, social structures and creation, even to the point of human sacrifice.
요약 : It is my thesis that the terms of reference for such a theology have already been explicated by Martin Luther in terms of his theologia crucis, and may be summarized in eight terms of reference that maintain: (i) God's initiative in all matters of salvation; (ii) God's self-revelation in suffering; (iii) a denial of human claims to personal power and authority; (iv) opposition to power over others; (v) a rejection of 'religion' as a priori positive; (vi) a history in continuity with the faith of Israel; (vii) "universal intent"; (viii) the knowledge that 'religion' is not restricted to that which declares itself.
요약 : There is an urgent need for a theology of religion that is clearly Christian in identity, which resists absorption into political and ideological agenda, and which is as broadly coherent as possible within the church. At the same time, such a theology must be inherently self-critical in order to avoid religious superiority, triumphalism, and complicity with oppressive practices, while also encouraging open and appreciative attitudes toward people of non-Christian religions. Such a need can be better met by a clearly Christian theologia crucis than by the commendable approach of pluralism.
요약 : This thesis describes the biblical, historical, and contemporary manifestations of what is now known as theologia crucis, and how it may serve as the basis of a critical theology of religion in our context of religious plurality.
요약 : While pluralism possesses an enormously compelling moral imperative in terms of an "ethical soteriocentricity" (Knitter), the influence of the Christian religious right has continued to grow in the North American context. Essentially, pluralism in its many forms possesses no epistemological basis that concerns the Christian religious right.
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Emmanuel College of Victoria University (Canada).
Dissertation Abstracts International. 62-12A.
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