

Founding Pauline Small Groups: An Examination of Material in the Pauline Letters Using a Small Group Founding Model- [e-book]
Founding Pauline Small Groups: An Examination of Material in the Pauline Letters Using a Small Group Founding Model- [e-book]
Baker, Murray.
Founding Pauline Small Groups: An Examination of Material in the Pauline Letters Using a Small Group Founding Model - [e-book]
Toronto, ON : Wycliffe College and University of Toronto (Canada), 2013.
331 p.
Adviser: Terry L. Donaldson.
Thesis (Th.D.)--Wycliffe College and University of Toronto (Canada), 2013.
요약 : A comparative component, using associations and rhetorical and philosophical schools as analogues, examines group founding in the Greco-Roman world. This component is used not only to adjust the group founding model but also to provide data for comparison with the founding of Pauline groups.
요약 : Between research on conversion/recruitment of the individual and the study of the expansion of the early church lies an area of research which has not been widely examined: group founding, where founding is seen as the actual coalescence of a group and not, for example, the development of group identity in an already established group. The following work probes the founding of Pauline groups by first developing a small group founding model using recent social psychology research and then analyzing the records of the founding of small groups in the Greco-Roman world. Then the group founding model is broadly applied to the founding of Pauline small groups as seen in the Pauline letters and utilized in three case studies to groups founded in Thessalonica, Corinth and Galatia.
요약 : Next the founding of Pauline groups is examined beginning with Paul's perspective on group founding. An general overview of the founding of Pauline small groups is then provided, noting such factors as: 1) the establishment of contacts; 2) the social context of Paul's activity; 3) the connections growing from ethnic/religious and occupational contacts; 4) the variety in coalescence, though focusing on cognitive coalescence and frame alignment. Finally, specific Pauline groups are considered as case studies with special attention given to the similarities and differences between the groups.
요약 : The small group founding model utilizes a multi-perspectival approach which emphasizes context, connections and coalescence, with the forces of coalescence including behavioural, affective and cognitive elements. By maintaining a multi-dimensional view the model moves beyond previous approaches to Pauline group founding which have predominantly emphasized cognitive elements (e.g., attraction to Paul's message) and current approaches to recruitment and dispersion which have predominantly emphasized socialization or network theory.
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Wycliffe College and University of Toronto (Canada).
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