

Once was enough: A phenomenological inquiry into clients' experiences with Single Session Therapy- [e-book]
Once was enough: A phenomenological inquiry into clients' experiences with Single Session Therapy- [e-book]
Correia, Teresa D.
Once was enough: A phenomenological inquiry into clients experiences with Single Session Therapy - [e-book]
San Antonio, TX : Our Lady of the Lake University, 2013.
179 p.
Adviser: Monte Bobele.
Thesis (Psy.D.)--Our Lady of the Lake University, 2013.
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요약 : This study is a qualitative exploration into clients' perceptions of Single Session Therapy. I chose Moustakas' (1994) phenomenological approach to look into the experiences of six Latino/a clients who received a single session of therapy at Our Lady of the Lake University's Community Counseling Service and did not return for a subsequent appointment. My co-researchers attended therapy between April and July of 2010. They ranged in age from mid-20s to mid-50s. Three were men and three were women, and all six self-identified as Latino/a. My objective was to describe these clients' subjective experience while highlighting what they found helpful, unhelpful, satisfying or dissatisfying about their SST encounter. Initial interviews took place in-person with all six co-researchers. Second interviews, or participant checks, were conducted with five of the six co-researchers (one co-researcher could not be reached for follow-up). My co-researchers described what they believed were the most important aspects of their SST experience as: having readily available and convenient access to therapy; needing the service; struggling to make it on their own; possibly hurting themselves had they not attended therapy; meeting with therapists who were genuinely concerned and cared; feeling heard; being able to release stress and negative emotions; receiving helpful advice, direction, or feedback from their therapists; being reassured they were on the right track or headed in the right direction; leaving their problems at the session; and feeling more hopeful, positive, or confident following their appointment. I also discuss how my co-researchers responses relate to the current literature on SST and can further inform the practice of SST.
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Our Lady of the Lake University Psychology
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T0004630 DT  Psy.D. 전자화일 열람만 가능 열람만 가능

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