

From compassion to Koinonia: Shifting the paradigm for homeless ministry from a parental model to a partnership in the Gospel- [e-book]
From compassion to Koinonia: Shifting the paradigm for homeless ministry from a parental model to a partnership in the Gospel- [e-book]
Erickson, Robert Charles Jr
From compassion to Koinonia: Shifting the paradigm for homeless ministry from a parental model to a partnership in the Gospel - [e-book]
Princeton, NJ : Princeton Theological Seminary, 1996.
149 p.
Thesis (D.Min.)--Princeton Theological Seminary, 1996.
요약 : This project explores a paradigm shift in a middle class Presbyterian Church's homeless ministry from a parental model (also called the compassionate caregiver model) to a model of partnership in the Gospel (or Koinonia). This project combines the Koinonia ethics of Paul Lehmann with Letty Russell's theology of partnership to form the theological argument for the paradigm shift. The Biblical argument is developed by revisiting the well known stories of compassion from Jesus: Feeding the 5000, The Good Samaritan, The Prodigal Son, and Jesus' directive to "Feed My Sheep" at the Sea of Tiberias. These stories were reviewed and reframed through the lens of Koinonia to understand them as a calling to partnership instead of a new works righteousness formed around individual acts of compassion.
요약 : The project grew out of Bensalem Presbyterian Church's experience of frustration and fatigue even as they accomplished the good work of outreach to the homeless and hungry. They discovered a new sense of partnership, not with the social service agencies, but with the triune God, the community of faith, and the broader community of homeless people they met in ministry.
요약 : The process of discovery was initiated by a class, "Koinonia: Partnership in the Gospel", which brought together persons of diverse cultural, economic, racial/ethic, and religious backgrounds around the familiar stories of Jesus. The class itself became a model of Koinonia as the leader integrated the experiences and stories of the participants with the Christian story, employing the Thomas Groome model of Shared Christian Praxis. The project bore fruit as people in the class were transformed by their encounter with the Christian story and the ministries of the church started to change in response to the pastor and the class' understanding of and participation in Koinonia. The measure of success of ministry shifted in this study from time and numbers to relationships and changed lives. The project set the theological and Biblical basis for teaching and experiencing Koinonia in a local church's outreach ministry and provided a case study of how one congregation responded to that partnership in the Gospel.
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