

An Eye for Form : Epigraphic Essays in Honor of Frank Moore Cross
An Eye for Form : Epigraphic Essays in Honor of Frank Moore Cross
Hackett, Jo Ann
An Eye for Form : Epigraphic Essays in Honor of Frank Moore Cross / edited by Jo Ann Hackett and Walter E. Aufrecht
Winona Lake, Indiana : Eisenbrauns, 2014.
xl, 383 p. : illus. ; 26 cm.
Includes Bibliographical References and Indexes
An appreciation of Frank Moore Cross / Peter Machinist -- Response by Frank Moore Cross to the presentation of an 80th birthday volume of essays -- Bibliography of Frank Moore Cross -- Prologomenon to the study of Northwest Semitic paleography and epigraphy / Christopher A. Rollston -- A history of Northwest Semitic epigraphy / Andre Lemaire -- Reconceptualizing the periods of early alphabetic scripts / Gordon J. Hamilton -- The Ugaritic alphabetic script / John L. Ellison -- The Iron Age Phoenician script / Christopher A. Rollston -- Prolegomenon to the study of Old Aramaic and Ammonite lapidary inscriptions / Walter E. Aufrecht -- Iron Age Moabite, Hebrew, and Edomite monumental scripts / David S. Vanderhooft -- On the authenticity of Iron Age Northwest Semitic inscribed seals / Pierre Bordreuil* -- Phoenician seal script / Philip C. Schmitz -- Aramaic and Ammonite seal scripts / Larry G. Herr -- Hebrew, Moabite, and Edomite seal scripts / Larry G. Herr -- Northwest Semitic cursive scripts of Iron II / Christopher A. Rollston -- Scripts of post-Iron Age Aramaic inscriptions and ostraca / Andre Lemaire -- Paleo-Hebrew texts and scripts of the Persian period / Gordon J. Hamilton -- The Aramaic papyri scripts / Ryan Byrne -- Punic scripts / Maria Giulia Amadasi Guzzo -- Paleography of the Semitic Judean Desert scrolls / Esther Eshel -- Northwest Semitic scripts on coins / John W. Betlyon.
기타 저자  
Hackett, Jo Ann
기타 저자  
Aufrecht, Walter Emanuel
기타 저자  
Cross, Frank Moore
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