

Imitatio Christi : Toward a Pauline theology of mission- [e-book]
Imitatio Christi : Toward a Pauline theology of mission- [e-book]
Kim, Sung-Hwan Calvin.
Imitatio Christi : Toward a Pauline theology of mission - [e-book]
Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertations Publishing, 2005
335 p
Mentor: Dean S. Gilliland.
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Intercultural Studies, 2005.
요약 : This dissertation pursues the imitating/following relationship between Jesus and Paul in their mission theology and practice. Jesus, the true God, took human flesh (true man), and came as a missionary. Paul understood the mind of Christ and he himself became a cross-cultural missionary.
요약 : Jesus' life and mission were culminated in the salvation of humankind through His death and resurrection. Paul's life and mission were also centered around the death and resurrection of Christ and its missionary implications in different contexts. Paul's theology is essentially theologia crucis in mission as was that of Christ, though in different contexts.
요약 : The Bible, systematic theology, church history and a variety of contexts (East Asia and East Africa) are the sources for the theme of imitatio/Nachfolge Christi. This dissertation take a holistic approach, based on the inter-disciplinary nature of missiology.
요약 : The connection between Jesus and Paul is missiological, beginning at Paul's encounter of the risen Christ on the Road to Damascus. As the Father sent the Son into the world as a missionary, so the Son sent the church into the world as God's missionary disciples. Different images of the church are examined and found to be corporate and missional rather than individual and self-maintaining.
요약 : The imitation of Christ is the ideal for a Christian throughout church history. There are excellent examples of imitatio Christi in different contexts. Different cultures will have different understandings of imitatio Christi. The diversity will unable us to better understand Christ and live out His life in our mission contexts. The church is a hermeneutical people in their living out the life of Christ.
요약 : Nachfolge Christi is a dynamic driving force behind the church in its essential mission and ministry. The church should follow Christ where He already works and participate in what He is already doing. Imitatio Christi has a variety of applications in different contexts. Mission is the process of contextualization of the Gospel in different situations. The guiding principle for mission should be the theology and mission of Christ. The conviction of this work is that Paul is the normative model for the imitation of Christ.
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Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Intercultural Studies.
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