

A strategy for participation of the Baptist General Conference churches of Canada in VISION 2000- [e-book]
A strategy for participation of the Baptist General Conference churches of Canada in VISION 2000- [e-book]
Netterfield, Calvin Walton.
A strategy for participation of the Baptist General Conference churches of Canada in VISION 2000 - [e-book]
Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertations Publishing, 1991
344 p
Mentor: Ray S. Anderson.
Thesis (D.Min.) - Fuller Theological Seminary, Doctor of Ministry Program, 1991.
요약 : This dissertation is both a theological and strategical thesis to motivate and equip the Baptist General Conference churches of Canada in their participation in VISION 2000. VISION 2000 is a D.A.W.N. or Discipling A Whole Nation strategy for church renewal and Kingdom Growth across Canada to take place over a ten year period concluding in the year 2000. The Executive Minister of the Baptist General Conference of Canada, Rev. Abe Funk, has requested me to serve as consultant for this strategy for the Baptist General Conference of Canada.
요약 : The original proposal has changed slightly to meet the requirements of the churches. Through a series of "field testing" seminars held during 1989 I became convinced that the focus had to be on "felt" needs of the churches. Six areas of felt need were established.
요약 : Following the History and rationale for the paper in Chapter One, a short theology and apology in Chapter Two, a brief look at Canadian church history in Chapter Three, a review of the denomination's involvement with VISION 2000 in Chapter Four, Chapter Five records Preparation for Growth. I develop resource chapters for each of the six felt need areas. These are: Six--Prayer and Revival, Seven--Worship, Eight--Evangelism and Discipleship, Nine--Visionary Planning, Ten--Small Groups, and Eleven--Church Planting. A short challenge in Chapter Twelve concludes the dissertation.
요약 : The conclusion is simply stated throughout, a vital Gospel believing church is God's profoundest instrument for Kingdom growth. Our task is to both plant and grow these churches. Wherever possible I have relied upon my Fuller Doctor of Ministry course and seminar work.
요약 : The actual use of the thesis will be limited to the executives of the Baptist General Conference and, as they wish, it will be made available to the churches. I expect to use it as the foundation for the continued growth of the church I pastor, Cedar Grove Baptist Church of Surrey, British Columbia, Canada, and the consulting I will do with the Baptist General Conference of Canada toward VISION 2000.
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Fuller Theological Seminary, Doctor of Ministry Program.
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