

The appeal to the apostles : The use of the apostolic church in the writings of John Calvin- [e-book]
The appeal to the apostles : The use of the apostolic church in the writings of John Calvin- [e-book]
Flaming, Darlene Kaye.
The appeal to the apostles : The use of the apostolic church in the writings of John Calvin - [e-book]
Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertations Publishing, 1998
431 p
Director: Randall C. Zachman.
Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Notre Dame, 1998.
요약 : The title of the dissertation, "The Appeal to the Apostles," refers to the claims made by the Roman church, the magisterial reformers and the radical reformers to have either continued or restored the apostolic church. An often overlooked aspect of this appeal is that each of these groups also had strategies for explaining why certain elements of New Testament Christianity were not apparent in the present. The study of John Calvin's use of the apostolic church is presented as a model for the detailed analysis of this appeal in the thought of other sixteenth century figures.
요약 : Calvin articulates four views about the relationship between the apostolic church and the present which, if not absolutely contradictory, are at least is tension with each other. First, the apostolic church shows the way church should be. Calvin uses this view both to critique the Roman church's corruption, and to provide a model for the sacraments and ministry among evangelicals. Second, the apostolic period is a unique and unrepeatable time. Certain offices, gifts, and sacraments were generally limited to the apostolic period and were not meant to be perpetuated. Third, the apostolic church is an example of the way the true church always exists in the world. Calvin uses the apostolic church to demonstrate such constants as human nature, the work of Satan, and divine providence. Fourth, a special affinity exists between the apostolic period and the sixteenth century, based on the character of both periods as times of restoration of the church by God.
요약 : Both the content and the context (date, genre and opponent) of Calvin's four different ways of appealing to the apostolic church are examined throughout the various editions of the Institutes, the New Testament Commentaries, and a number of treatises. While there are some variations in Calvin's usage along the lines of chronology and genre, each of the four understandings may be found in some form in each genre throughout Calvin's career. Calvin uses this intricate appeal composed of four overlapping and intersecting strands to find and to create in his contemporary church a "true resemblance" to the apostolic church.
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University of Notre Dame.
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