

Christ the mediator : Calvin's eclectic christology- [e-book]
Christ the mediator : Calvin's eclectic christology- [e-book]
Edmondson, Stephen Bud.
Christ the mediator : Calvins eclectic christology - [e-book]
Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertations Publishing, 1999
659 p
Director: Serene Jones.
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Yale University, 1999.
요약 : This dissertation seeks to resolve the neglect of Calvin's Christology evident in the secondary literature on Calvin over the past half century. Little has been published on this central topic in Calvin's theology---only a few short monographs looking at isolated aspects of his Christology, the best of which are several decades old. This lack of publication is related to the perception that Calvin's Christology is either peripheral to his theological project, or on the whole an uninteresting, if significant piece of that project. This dissertation seeks to remedy both of these problems (as I see them) through a broad, but detailed examination of Calvin's Christological thinking. My goals are two fold. First, I examine not only his Institutes, but also his commentaries, a sermon, and two treatises directed against Francesco Stancaro, in order to excavate the formal structure and material content of his Christology, providing, thereby, a more complete grasp of his project. Only with such a comprehensive understanding of Calvin's Christology can issues within his Christology---for example, the meaning and significance of the extra-calvinisticum---be resolved. Second, I set this full-bodied picture of Calvin's Christology within the context of his overall theology as found in the Institutes, so that I can begin to establish the sundry relations between this part of his theology and the whole. My analysis leads to the conclusion that Christology stands as the material center and focus of the Institutes insofar as all else which Calvin speaks of must be understood in relationship to Christ.
요약 : At the heart of my excavation of Calvin's Christology lies Calvin's concern that theology center itself on God's economy for the salvation of the Church as that economy is witnessed to in Scripture's narrative of God's covenant history, fulfilled in Christ's Gospel. Three points that will emerge from this concern are: (1) Calvin's Christology focuses on Christ's activity within that history---his work---and understands Christ's person in relation to that work; (2) Christ's activity, understood within the framework of the covenant history, is best described under the rubric of Christ's three-fold office, providing for a rich and complete account of that work; (3) Calvin's exposition of Christ's work is attuned both to the manner in which Christ objectively establishes the Church's relationship to God and the manner in which Christ subjectively draws in the Church into that relationship.
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Yale University.
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T0008769 DT  Ph.D. 전자화일 열람만 가능 열람만 가능

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