

Introducing the adult catechumenate in a Lutheran congregation- [e-book]
Introducing the adult catechumenate in a Lutheran congregation- [e-book]
Rinderknecht, Joseph Fredric.
Introducing the adult catechumenate in a Lutheran congregation - [e-book]
Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertations Publishing, 2003
250 p
Adviser: Michael G. Woost.
Thesis (D.Min.) - St. Mary's Seminary and University, 2003.
요약 : This project for the Doctor of Ministry degree introduces the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America's Adult Catechumenate material to a first ring suburban congregation in Cleveland Ohio. Located in Maple Heights, Ohio, a neighborhood quickly changing from retired Caucasian to young African American families, the project studies ecumenism (specifically the implications of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification), race, and post modernism as the context of the work. This project is significant in that 80% of those baptized as adults in the last 50 year period at this congregation failed to practice Christian life. The various catechumenal processes used failed them. Chapter 2 reviews the history of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults of the Roman Catholic Church. The patristic practice of evangelism in the later Roman Empire and the Biblical account of the Road to Emmaus provide the basis to describe a journey theology which is sacramental and communal. This is significant as a corrective to the overly rational and individualist practice of prior Lutheran catechesis. The ethical issues of receiving members into a divided Church are analyzed, as are the specific challenges of race. A vision of Christian life in community grounded in the Holy Trinity (from von Balthasar) is foundational to the Catechumenate and antithetical to post-modern hyper-individualism.
요약 : Congregational attitudes and practices were uncovered through two questionnaires and a Lenten series of discussions of the Rites. These provide the quantitative and qualitative data of the project. A historical review of the congregation, particularly its relationship to leadership and evangelism gives depth to the analysis. The project provides a guide for the pastoral care of converts. Church growth is found to require true conversion to Christian discipleship and life in community grounded in the Spirit's ongoing work through Word and Sacrament, Adult Catechumenate by an entire community not only leads the Inquirers into such a life, but provides those community members who accompany them with renewal and deepening of their own faithful journey together.
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St. Mary's Seminary and University.
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