

Lutheran spirituality : A primer for the laity- [e-book]
Lutheran spirituality : A primer for the laity- [e-book]
Tursi, Joseph John.
Lutheran spirituality : A primer for the laity - [e-book]
Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertations Publishing, 1989
208 p
Thesis (D.Min.) - The Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1989.
요약 : The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America shares with other churches the importance of the doctrine of justification by faith. Lutherans hold that this is the central doctrine upon which the church stands or falls. The understanding of justification by faith grew out of the Reformation experience of Martin Luther's struggle with the righteousness of God. Due to the polemical situation arising from the Reformation this doctrine was increasingly presented as a logical and intellectual proposition. Eventually this led to the divorce of the doctrine from its experiential base. Today Lutherans have inherited this situation by taking a suspicious position toward anything involving a spiritual life which expresses emotive, affective or experiential factors. It was the author's purpose in this thesis-project to show that a rich Lutheran spirituality may correctly develop from Luther's own experience which grew out of his study of biblical and doctrinal issues. The main objective was to develop a primer on Lutheran spirituality for use by the laity.
요약 : In order to fulfill this objective the author built a conceptual framework based on research into the biblical, theological, historical, and confessional areas of Christian spirituality. This research gave rise to major trends which were incorporated into the primer itself.
요약 : A questionnaire was administered to 10% of the author's congregation to determine the range of their current understanding and experience of the spiritual life. It also afforded those questioned the opportunity to suggest areas in which they are seeking growth and understanding. The results displayed a wide variety of practices and experiences which guided the author in selecting areas where a primer might help to further the laity's spiritual nurture.
요약 : The results of this work was the writing of the primer on Lutheran spirituality entitled Living Life to God. This primer was constructed on the form of the Lutheran liturgy in such a way that both corporate and individual issues of spirituality could be addressed. The primer seeks to guide the laity into areas in which fresh concepts may be introduced in the context of the traditional liturgy.
요약 : The primer on Lutheran spirituality provides the reader with the challenge of seeing all of life within the context of a lived and experienced Christian faith.
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The Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary.
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T0008807 DT  D.Min. 전자화일 열람만 가능 열람만 가능

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