

The Counter-Reformation in the Bishopric of Speyer, 1560-1720- [e-book]
The Counter-Reformation in the Bishopric of Speyer, 1560-1720- [e-book]
Forster, Marc Richard.
The Counter-Reformation in the Bishopric of Speyer, 1560-1720 - [e-book]
Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertations Publishing, 1989
542 p
Adviser: Steven Ozment.
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Harvard University, 1989.
요약 : The Counter-Reformation in Germany has been a neglected topic in early modern European history. Only recently have German historians begun to look at the effect of Tridentine reforms at the local level. By studying a small bishopric in a region of religious diversity, I have been able to analyze the impact of the Tridentine reforms on Protestant/Catholic relations, on popular religion, and on the relationship between the clergy and their parishioners.
요약 : Using a wide variety of archival sources, including visitation reports, Cathedral Chapter minutes, and court records, I have found that the strong confessional loyalty that characterized the villages of the Bishopric of Speyer (as well as the rest of Germany) by the late seventeenth century had its roots in communal loyalty to traditional pre-Tridentine Catholicism. The episcopal hierarchy was also traditional and regionally focused in outlook. As a result, Catholic authorities introduced and enforced "reformed" Catholicism, with its emphasis on a celibate and educated clergy and a disciplined and moral laity, with some reluctance and considerable moderation. This moderate policy contrasted sharply with the determined effort of the Calvinist rulers in the same region to suppress all aspects of traditional religion.
요약 : The confessional loyalties that divided village from village in the middle Rhine valley in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries were the result, not of a policy of "confessionalization" or state-building, but of the attachment of the local population to long-standing religious practices. Finally, the forms of religious practice and the position of the parish priest in the village were not imposed by the Catholic authorities, but instead were worked out at the local level by a process of compromise between the Church and village communities.
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