

Andreas von Karlstadt and Thomas Muentzer : Relatives in theology and reformation- [e-book]
Andreas von Karlstadt and Thomas Muentzer : Relatives in theology and reformation- [e-book]
McNiel, William Wallace.
Andreas von Karlstadt and Thomas Muentzer : Relatives in theology and reformation - [e-book]
Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertations Publishing, 1999
359 p
Adviser: James Stayer.
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Queen's University (Canada), 1999.
요약 : This dissertation is an attempt to define Saxon radicalism as a unique movement, and to place it within the context of the early German Reformation (1517--1525). Both Andreas von Karlstadt (1486--1541) and Thomas Muntzer (ca. 1489--1525) shared a set of beliefs that originated in, but eventually deviated from, the Wittenberg Reformation. Intellectually, Saxon radicalism began during the second decade of the 1500s at Wittenberg University, where biblical humanism, Augustinianism, and late medieval mysticism were emphasized. This eclectic array of influences led both Reformers to a Neoplatonist skepticism of externals, and to a radical anticlericalism.
요약 : The practical result of Saxon radicalism was the Reformations of Orlamunde and Allstedt, two similar alternatives to Wittenberg in Ernestine Saxony. Both Reformers favoured greater participation in church affairs by the commoners, and both were sympathetic towards the stated goals of the Peasants' War of 1525: more power to the commoners in local government, the local election of pastors, and the abolition of the first estate.
요약 : Muntzer's actions during the Peasants' War cannot be explained as a natural result of his theology. His participation in the rebellion should be viewed within the context of the political and religious circumstances in and around Allstedt and Mulhausen. Both communities were threatened by their powerful Catholic neighbors. Muntzer wanted to protect his Reformation using force, just as the Swiss Reformer Ulrich Zwingli did later against the Catholics at Kappel. Zwingli's reforms were not defended by the commoners, but by the established authorities, revealing one of the most important differences between the Saxon radicals and their magisterial counterparts. Unlike Luther and Zwingli, the radicals allowed the commoners to actively participate in the Reformation, believing that peasants and artisans were preachers and soldiers for the cause of reform.
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Queen's University (Canada).
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