

The Holy Spirit in 1 Peter : A study of Petrine pneumatology in light of the Isaianic New Exodus- [e-book]
The Holy Spirit in 1 Peter : A study of Petrine pneumatology in light of the Isaianic New Exodus- [e-book]
Lai, Kenny Ke-Chung.
The Holy Spirit in 1 Peter : A study of Petrine pneumatology in light of the Isaianic New Exodus - [e-book]
Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertations Publishing, 2009
342 p
Adviser: Buist M. Fanning, III.
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Dallas Theological Seminary, 2009.
요약 : This study gives a comprehensive analysis of the Holy Spirit's role and functions in 1 Peter's unique literary and historical contexts. The thesis of this dissertation is that Petrine pneumatology can only be fully appreciated in light of the New Exodus theme in Isaiah. The study demonstrates that the Isaianic New Exodus (INE) is the hermeneutic framework for the author's paraenetic instructions. The Petrine community as an exilic community undergoing restoration is evidenced by Peter's specific descriptors for his readers (exiles, aliens) and the frequent allusions to the new Exodus motifs in Isaiah.
요약 : The literary theory of intertextuality is employed for the study. Three criteria of coherence (i.e., verbal, conceptual, and contextual) are used for identifying, evaluating, and establishing intertextual connections between 1 Peter and certain OT texts. The intertextual readings help clarify, affirm, and enrich the existing interpretations of the Spirit passages when the text alluded to, along with their contexts, are brought to bear on the interpretation. A survey of the concepts of the Spirit in the broader context of 1 Peter is made for identifying Peter's specific accentuation in the epistle.
요약 : The study examines five Spirit passages (1 Pet 1:2, 10-11, 12; 3:19; 4:14). For each passage, intertextual readings from Isaiah are identified and evaluated; the INE theme of the alluded text and its reflection in the Petrine passage are analyzed; the contributions to the interpretation and to Petrine pneumatology are then articulated. The Spirit's work is described in the following themes: sanctifying God's elect (1 Pet 1:2; Isa 44:3; 52:11; 61:6; 66:20; Exod 29), prophesying through OT prophets (1 Pet 1:10-11; Isa 48:16; 52:13-53:12), evangelizing through NT evangelists (1 Pet 1:12; Isa 40:9; 52:7; 59:21), evangelizing through the preexistent Christ (1 Pet 3:19; Isa 42:7; 61:1), and indwelling and bestowing glory on believers (1 Pet 4:14; Isa 11:2; 60:1-2). The study shows that the role and functions of the Spirit have been uniquely portrayed in 1 Peter at various points that encompass the past, the present, and the future.
요약 : A number of interpretive issues in 1 Peter are clarified or resolved with the new approach. In particular, Christ's proclamation to the spirits in prison (3:19) is understood as a proclamation to Noah's contemporaries who lived in spiritual darkness as if their spirits were imprisoned by sin. In addition, the Spirit of the glory (4:14) has the notion of the Spirit who bestows the glory to believers. It is the restoration glory anticipated in the INE and is now present with the eschatological community.
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