

"Isaiah saw his glory" : The use of Isaiah 52--53 in John 12- [e-book]
"Isaiah saw his glory" : The use of Isaiah 52--53 in John 12- [e-book]
Brendsel, Daniel J.
Isaiah saw his glory : The use of Isaiah 52--53 in John 12 - [e-book]
Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertations Publishing, 2013
361 p
Adviser: Gregory K. Beale.
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Wheaton College, 2013.
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요약 : Several scholars have noted that the prophecy of Isaiah plays a unique role in John's gospel. Quotations from Isaiah appear in key structural positions in the gospel (John 1:23; 12:38, 40; see also 6:45). Isaiah is the only text that John explicitly identifies in an OT quotation formula. Various major motifs in John's gospel have been found to relate to Isaiah's prophetic word (e.g., light-darkness, the "I am" statements, the "lifting up" statements). In spite of this apparently deep influence, no monograph-length work has sought to identify and explain John's use of Isaiah, either in the gospel as a whole or even in a particular section of John's gospel.
요약 : This study is a beginning attempt to fill that void, focusing on a chapter of John that contains several explicit and implicit references to Isaiah and forms the crucial hinge upon which the whole gospel turns--namely, John 12. Specifically, it is argued that the scenes, discourse, and summary statements in John 12 are intentionally arranged and narrated according to a structural model found in Isa 52:7-53:1. After two chapters of an introductory nature, the third chapter of this study offers a reading of Isaiah 40-55, illustrating a way in which early Christians may have read this section of Scripture and laying a foundation for our larger consideration of John's reading of Isaiah 52-53. The bulk of the study (six chapters) examines the pericopes in John 12:1-43, seeking to identify and interpret John's use of Isaiah 52-53.
요약 : It is concluded that a reading of this well-known Isaianic text rooted within its broader context in Isaiah, together with the mediating influence of other texts--notably Isa 6:9-10 and Zech 9:9-10--has fueled much Johannine theology, Christology, and ecclesiology. Moreover, mirroring the progression of Isa 52:7-53:1 in John 12 is the author's way of underlining Jesus' identity as the Servant of God and announcing that the second exodus prophesied by Isaiah is secured by the rejection (and death) of Jesus.
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Wheaton College Biblical and Theological Studies
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