

Seeing god : Ekphrasis, vision, and persuasion in the Book of Revelation- [e-book]
Seeing god : Ekphrasis, vision, and persuasion in the Book of Revelation- [e-book]
Whitaker, Robyn Jane.
Seeing god : Ekphrasis, vision, and persuasion in the Book of Revelation - [e-book]
Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertations Publishing, 2014
338 p
Adviser: Hans Josef Klauck.
Thesis (Ph.D.) - The University of Chicago, 2014.
요약 : The visions that John records in Revelation have been the subject of fairly extensive analysis in biblical scholarship. However, such analysis usually takes one of three forms: an analysis of the visions with respect to their theology; an analysis of the visions in terms of the author's use of and comparison with the Old Testament, which is primarily a literary source approach; or a historical analysis of the visions which seeks to uncover underlying practices or historical referents. Hence, the prevailing approach has been to interpret the visions within the framework of ancient Judaism and thus in conversation with other Jewish apocalyptic and intertestamental texts. In contrast this dissertation examines the visions of God in Revelation in the context of the Greco-Roman world, particularly Greco-Roman rhetorical traditions.
요약 : Rhetorical analysis of the Book of Revelation is still a relatively small field within the area of New Testament studies. This dissertation seeks to contribute to this gap by offering a reading of the visions of God, along with the counter images of the beasts and whore, as examples of ekphrasis (epsilonkappaϕrho&agr;sigmaiota&sfgr;). Ekphrasis was a popular rhetorical technique in the first century CE, one which sought to lead a subject before a hearer's eyes and allow them to "see" what was being described. Drawing on examples from Greco-Roman literature, I demonstrate how ekphrasis functions in Revelation to make present a God who is perceived to be temporally and spatially absent and thus grant the hearer an epiphanic experience. I contend that the author's verbal images of the divine aim to compete with the prevailing culture's plastic images. This conflict is then located within the larger ancient debate over whether poets or artists could best depict the divine in order to demonstrate how the author of Revelation ultimately argues for the epiphanic power of his text.
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The University of Chicago Divinity
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