

Emerging Korean North American theologies : Toward a contextual theology of the cross- [e-book]
Emerging Korean North American theologies : Toward a contextual theology of the cross- [e-book]
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Park, Kevin.
Emerging Korean North American theologies : Toward a contextual theology of the cross - [e-book]
Publish Info  
Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertations Publishing, 2002
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284 p
General Note  
Advisers: Daniel L. Migliore; Sang Hyun Lee.
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Princeton Theological Seminary, 2002.
요약The thesis of this dissertation is that given the salient theme of "marginality" as expressed in emerging Korean North American theologies, a contextually appropriate interpretation of the theology of the cross as a dialectic of God's salvation for us and our congruent response of solidarity with marginalized peoples will provide a compelling theological resource and direction toward constructing Korean North American theologies.
요약Salient features of Luther's and contemporary theologies of the cross, including an epistemology of the hidden/revealed God, christological and soteriological affirmations, and implications for Christian life are used as critical reference points to analyze selected Korean North American theologies. These include Sang Hyun Lee's and Jung Young Lee's theologies of marginality, Andrew Sung Park's theology of Han, and feminist contributions from Ai Ra Kim, Jung Ha Kim, and Inn Sook Lee. Although none of these works explicitly refers to the theology of the cross, they all have important parallels with it, enabling a mutually critical dialogue.
요약It is argued that the traditional existential interpretation of the theology of the cross as a call for radical personal repentance must find an appropriate contextual expression that includes a call for socio-political engagement and critique resulting in solidarity with marginal communities. The study also argues that such an interpretation provides a theological ground for affirming the marginal vantage point of Korean North American churches enabling them to critique the dominant North American context and calling them to engage in radical self-criticism.
요약The dissertation concludes with suggestions for further studies, including analysis of generational issues in Korean North American communities and a sketch of an ecclesiology of the cross for the Korean North American context that would include the "excavation" of hidden stories of marginality.
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