

Qumran interpretation of the Genesis Flood- [e-book]
Qumran interpretation of the Genesis Flood- [e-book]
Lyon, Jeremy Daniel.
Qumran interpretation of the Genesis Flood - [e-book]
Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertations Publishing, 2014
235 p
Adviser: Mark Rooker.
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, 2014.
요약 : The Dead Sea Scrolls provide significant insight into the ancient world of Jewish interpretation of the Bible during the Second Temple period. Several manuscripts, dating to the first century B.C., reveal how Jews interpreted and employed various aspects of the Genesis Flood. Scholars such as Jack Lewis (1968), Florentino Garcia Martinez (1998), Moshe Bernstein (1999), Ariel Feldman (2007), and Dorothy Peters (2008), have laid foundational work for understanding certain aspects of Qumran interpretation of the Genesis Flood. However, the need remains to develop a comprehensive picture of Qumran Flood interpretation. This research builds on previous work by providing a literary analysis of the primary Flood texts (1QapGen, 4Q252, 4Q370, and 4Q422) individually, in order to provide a more developed Qumran Flood theology.
요약 : The Genesis Apocryphon (1QapGen) is a large, but badly damaged manuscript, preserving twenty-three columns of Aramaic text. The extant text shows that the author skillfully linked together the Noah narrative (cols. 0--XVII) and the Abram narrative (XVIII--XXII), in order to present Noah and Abram as righteous archetypes who inherited the land. Though fragmentary, 1QapGen reveals much concerning Flood interpretation. The causes of the Flood are attributed to both, wicked humanity and the Watchers (cf. Gen 6:1-4), in which the story of the Watchers is primary. The Flood is also presented as an archetype of the eschatological judgement, as Noah is presented as the righteous archetype of deliverance for the righteous seed. 1QapGen also identifies the mountain the ark landed upon as Mount Lubar. More importantly, the mountain which the ark landed upon, and the land subsequently surveyed by Noah, is presented as an archetype of the Promised Land. The Flood is also presented as ushering in a new creation, with a renewed land and Noah as a new Adam.
요약 : The Commentary on Genesis (4Q252) is a fragmentary Hebrew text (consisting of six fragments), containing interpretations of selected portions of Genesis 6-49. The selective retelling of the Flood (which only addresses passages dealing with chronology) is part of this complex messianic and eschatological commentary, involving different genres, which validates the possession of the land for the righteous (past, present, and future). Several aspects of Flood interpretation come to light in this intriguing text. The 120 years mentioned in Genesis 6:3 are interpreted as the period of time remaining for humanity until the Flood, not as the shortened life-span of humanity. The meticulous Flood chronology presented in 4Q252 is based on the 364-day solar calendar. The literary composition as a whole indicates that the author presented the Flood as a divinely ordered archetype of eschatological judgment.
요약 : An Admonition Based on the Flood (4Q370) consists of a single fragment which preserves parts of two columns of text. The first column provides a selective retelling of the Flood, while the second column contains admonitory remarks based on this historical example. The author reworked the Flood story employing biblical and non-biblical sources in various ways (e.g. expansions, omissions, allusions). 4Q370 does not tell the Flood story for the story's sake, but presents the Flood as a paradigm of the eschatological judgment, reworking it for admonitory purposes. Within this reworked Flood story, several aspects of Flood interpretation are addressed. The cause of the Flood is attributed to human rebellion and ingratitude in response to God's abundant provision. Further, the author selectively described the Flood, not as a story of the deliverance of the righteous, but as God's judgment in response to human rebellion. The eschatological language and overall literary shaping of 4Q370 indicate that the author understood the Flood as an archetype of eschatological judgment.
요약 : The Paraphrase of Genesis and Exodus (4Q422) is also fragmentary, preserving portions of three columns of text, of which the second provides a paraphrase of the Flood. Though often labeled as a "paraphrase," 4Q422 is another example of rewritten Bible from the Second Temple period. The author selectively reworked biblical passages, juxtaposing the creation, Flood, and plagues narratives, for homilietic purposes. The literary juxtaposition of the Eden, Flood, and plagues stories highlights a recurring theme of sin, followed by judgment. A new emphasis on judgment with the post-Flood sign of the covenant is also provided. 4Q422 also presents the Flood as a reversal and renewal of creation through: 1) the juxtaposition and linking of the Flood and plagues narratives immediately after the creation narrative and 2) the creation language introduced into the post-Flood description. Last, according to II:8-9 (cf. III:7), the purpose of the Flood was not simply to judge the earth, but to cleanse the earth from sin and to reveal God's glory.
요약 : Though fragmentary, 1QapGen, 4Q252, 4Q370, and 4Q422 have proven to contain significant insight for understanding Qumran interpretation of the Flood. These scrolls reveal not only what the Qumran community believed concerning the Genesis Flood, but how the Flood story was employed during the Second Temple period. In this study, these four manuscripts address ten different aspects of Flood interpretation, providing the framework to build a more comprehensive Qumran Flood theology. Importantly, these manuscripts provide ancient Jewish precedent for understanding the Genesis Flood text today in light of modern tendencies.
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