

Japanese perspectives on the death of Christ : A study in contextualized Christology- [e-book]
Japanese perspectives on the death of Christ : A study in contextualized Christology- [e-book]
Chua, How Chuang.
Japanese perspectives on the death of Christ : A study in contextualized Christology - [e-book]
Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertations Publishing, 2007
464 p
Adviser: Harold A. Netland.
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 2007.
요약 : Studies in contextualization have often focused on the cross-cultural transmission of the gospel. There is an equally important component that requires attention, namely, the appropriation of the faith by its receivers. This study looks at the latter, by examining the perspectives of three modern Japanese Christian thinkers on the death of Christ. The three subjects are Kitamori Kazo (1916-1998), a theologian; Endo Shusaku (1923-1996), a novelist; and Koyama Kosuke (1929- ), a missionary and theological educator. Questions are raised on the ways these three understand the Cross, with regard to their biblical fidelity, theological compatibility with classical Atonement theories, and their cultural conditioning.
요약 : In his theology of the Cross, Kitamori uses the motif of pain to understand the salvific work of God. The Cross is the site where the God of love embraces, in pain, his enemies, the very ones who have betrayed that love and hence come under his wrath. Endo's religious writings may aptly be referred to as a literature of the Cross. The theme of embrace is also prominent, but in this instance, it is an indiscriminate embrace of a maternal God---especially of the weak and the helpless---through the identificational sufferings of Christ. Through his death, Christ becomes born again in the hearts of his suffering disciples as their eternal companion. Koyama picks up the themes of divine embrace and divine confrontation from Kitamori, but moves on to develop a missiology of the Cross using the motif of the crucified mind (cf. Gal 2:20). The Cross provides the model for Christian service based on an other-centered self denial. In sum, the three thinkers are less interested in how the Cross saves than they are in the divine demeanor displayed through it.
요약 : The study raises and addresses three theological concerns: divine (im)passibility, human violence, and eternal damnation. On methodology, the influence of biography, the problem of language, and the role of Western theology in contextualization are also discussed. Three distinctives of an evangelical approach to cross-cultural theologizing are proposed: the Incarnation as theological model; epistemic humility as theological virtue; and canonicity and catholicity as theological principles.
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Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.
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T0008988 DT  Ph.D. 전자화일 열람만 가능 열람만 가능

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