

The time of ecology : Theological cosmology for a postmodern Earth- [e-book]
The time of ecology : Theological cosmology for a postmodern Earth- [e-book]
Higgins, Luke B.
The time of ecology : Theological cosmology for a postmodern Earth - [e-book]
Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertations Publishing, 2013
392 p
Adviser: Catherine Keller.
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Drew University, 2013.
요약 : This dissertation argues that contemporary ecotheology is in need of a theological cosmology able to carry out two tasks simultaneously: It must, on one hand, attempt to trace trajectories of value and meaning that run throughout the spatiotemporal continuum of the world and, on the other hand, centrally affirm the creative agency of a multiplicity of creaturely entities whose trajectories of becoming contain an inherent degree of indeterminacy. These tasks are commonly held to contradict one another due in large part to the prominence in Western thought of what I call the "free-agent / frozen-design" model---a thought system assuming that the transcendent agency of one subject---either God in the case of traditional theism or humanity in the case of secular modernity---can only be gained at the expense of a reduction of its object (creation or nature, respectively) to eternal, static laws. An important set of resources for moving beyond this model lie with what I call "cosmological postmodernism," a body of thought holding together deep ecology's insistence on humanity's belongingness to the "deep time" of a cosmos that exceeds and includes us, with postmodern theory's suspicion of any preordained, transcendent essences or laws that dictate in advance what it is possible for us to become.
요약 : This dissertation focuses in particular on three philosophers whose thought has formatively shaped cosmological postmodernism and its attention to the creative processes undergirding human and non-human transformations alike. In particular, I bring Whitehead's understanding of the di-polar flows between God and the world into dialogue with Deleuze and Bergson's notion of the dual tendencies of time---an "ontological" contraction towards a virtual "pure past" and a "translative" contraction towards an actual present. Common to all these philosophers is the theorization of a sphere of "trans-temporal" continuity constituted by a creative vector running counter or inverse to that of creaturely actualizations. This forms the basis for a conception of divinity as that which soteriologically receives the spatio-temporal entirety of the cosmos into itself so as to empower agential, self-creative, creaturely actualizations (thus carrying out the two key tasks as articulated above). The relation of these ideas to Christian traditions around "cosmic Christology" is also explored, both in reference to ancient pre-Nicene Logos theologies and more recent ecotheologians such as Teilhard de Chardin, Sallie McFague and Jurgen Moltmann. These reflections culminate in a constructive cosmic Christology that shifts from a substance-based preoccupation with Christ's two natures towards an emphasis on Christ's mediatory, bi-directional mobility---a dynamic process of "Chrystolization" in which all creatures are invited to participate. It is hoped that these ideas can help ecotheology embrace an awareness of being steeped within a common, more-than-human past, but in such a way that does not bind us within past patterns so much as propel us forward into ever novel "intensive alliances" capable of transforming and vitalizing our living ecology.
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Drew University Theological and Philosophical Studies
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