

A history of Southern Baptist mission work in Korea : Its impact on Korean Baptist Church growth- [e-book]
A history of Southern Baptist mission work in Korea : Its impact on Korean Baptist Church growth- [e-book]
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Kim, Seung (Victor) Jin.
A history of Southern Baptist mission work in Korea : Its impact on Korean Baptist Church growth - [e-book]
Publish Info  
Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertations Publishing, 1995
Material Info  
279 p
General Note  
Adviser: Justice C. Anderson.
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1995.
요약The Church of Christ in Corea (sic), the predecessor of the Korea Baptist Convention, was disbanded in 1944 by the persecution of Japan, and again devastated by the Korean War (1950-53). It rose and grew, however, both with the support of the foreign mission work of the Southern Baptist Convention and with the painstaking effort of the Korean Baptists, even to the point where they were able to sponsor the 16th Baptist World Congress in 1990.
요약This research was undertaken in order to relate the Southern Baptist mission work in Korea with the Korean Baptist church growth from its beginning (1950), to the present (1992).
요약The methodology utilized by the author incorporated both documentary study and observation or interview. It includes an analysis of available literature on the missionary work of the Korea Baptist Mission, such as Annual Reports, Minutes of the Executive Committee, and of various committees of both the Korea Baptist Mission and the Convention, and personal or official letters between the Mission and the headquarters, Foreign Mission Board or area director's office. The research relied heavily on the primary sources mentioned above, which were microfilmed and preserved in the archives of the Foreign Mission Board, SBC, Richmond, Virginia.
요약The dissertation is divided into three parts. PART ONE is an introductory background which describes Korea in general, Catholic and non-Baptist mission work in Korea, and Baptist missions before Southern Baptist missionaries entered the Korean field. A brief survey of Malcolm C. Fenwick, who is regarded as the first Baptist missionary, and of his mission work, will offer a valuable insight into the development of the Church of Christ in Corea, its doctrine and practice.
요약PART TWO deals with the procedure related to the beginning of the Southern Baptist mission work in Korea, the development of the work from 1950 to 1992, and the relationship between the Korea Baptist Mission and the Convention. In this part, the author describes the major mission work and its development in three stages: Pioneering period (1950-58), Conflicting period (1959-68), and Advancing period (1969-92).
요약PART THREE addresses the historical development, fruits of several missionary ministries, and the evaluation of these ministries in the area of evangelism and church planting, medical and health care ministry, theological education ministry, and publications and church development ministry.
요약The writer hopes that this research will give a momentum for both Southern Baptist missionaries and Korean Baptist nationals to reflect on the efforts which had been made for the expansion of God's Kingdom in Korea, and to catch a vision for the future work, which God will reveal through His Word and His Spirit.
Subject Added Entry-Topical Term  
Religious history
Subject Added Entry-Topical Term  
Subject Added Entry-Topical Term  
Asian history
Added Entry-Corporate Name  
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
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