

An evaluation of the professional development practices of small private Christian schools based on the perceptions of administrators and teachers- [electronic resource: e-book]
An evaluation of the professional development practices of small private Christian schools based on the perceptions of administrators and teachers- [electronic resource: e-book]
Meade, John Michael.
An evaluation of the professional development practices of small private Christian schools based on the perceptions of administrators and teachers - [electronic resource: e-book] / by John Michael Meade
Tulsa, Oklahoma : Oral Roberts University., 2007
120 p
Adviser: Timothy Norton.
Thesis(Doctoral) - Oral Roberts University, 2007.
요약 : Purpose, scope, and method of study. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the perceptions of professional development programs and practices of small Christian schools as reported by administrators and teachers. The study focused on the perceptions of educators from Christian schools with enrollments of less than 300 students. Seven research questions provided a framework for examining educator perceptions regarding their professional development experiences.
요약 : Data were collected through use of a cross-sectional survey instrument developed from the National Staff Development Council [NSDC] context, content, and process standards (NSDC, 2001). Three-hundred and twenty-nine teachers and thirty-two administrators from thirty-two randomly selected schools provided descriptive data for the study.
요약 : Findings and conclusions. The perceptions of teacher and administrator groups were compared through use of nonparametric Chi Square and Mann Whitney U tests. Results indicated significant congruence between the perceptions of respondent groups. A Principal Component Analysis was performed to determine the influence of varying preparation experiences on educator perceptions. Among the independent variables of age, experience, certification, and degree status, a significant relationship was found between years of experience and the perceptions of both teachers and administrators.
요약 : A significant number of small Christian schoolteachers and administrators perceived their professional development experiences as effective and aligned with NSDC staff development standards. Despite generally congruent views, findings revealed more disagreement among educators regarding the organization of teachers into learning communities and the inclusion of key publics in school professional development activities. Recommendations for future research included gathering additional data through both qualitative and quantitative methods to examine a broader sampling of Christian schools, investigation into the specific assessment strategies and evaluative practices that support the professional development efforts of Christian schools, and a study to explore the internet competencies and computer-based resources of small Christian schools.
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