

Bridging the Expectation-Reality Gap : Exploring a Transformational Model for Theological Education in India- [e-book]
Bridging the Expectation-Reality Gap : Exploring a Transformational Model for Theological Education in India- [e-book]
Cornelius, Paul Premsekaran.
Bridging the Expectation-Reality Gap : Exploring a Transformational Model for Theological Education in India - [e-book]
Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertations Publishing, 2014
229 p
Adviser: Wilbert R. Shenk.
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Intercultural Studies, 2014.
요약 : This research aims to provide a forward-looking missional and transformational framework with which to approach theological education in India. The Indian context at present is one of cultural diversity, religious plurality and socio-economic struggle intensified by economic and cultural globalization. The central thesis of this research is that theological education that is not animated by and oriented to the missional nature of the church endangers the church. Returning to this focus will move it beyond a) a simple parroting of Western paradigms, which are largely academic and "fragmented" into various specialized disciplines, and, b) a lopsided contextualized approach, the extreme versions of which tend to train "social activists." In other words how does theological education enable both those who are trained in seminaries and those in the church to relentlessly seek to understand and disseminate the truth of God in contemporary language and context?
요약 : Empirical data by way of case studies of two seminaries as well as various reports available from seminaries across India affirm that serious gaps exist between what the theological education enterprise in India is expected to achieve and what the reality is. The gaps point to more than a curricular problem underlining the fact that curriculum change, while important, is merely cosmetic. The problem stems from the more fundamental issue related to the very purpose and nature of theological education. The notion that the seminary must intentionally view itself as a "church" - centred on worship, learning and engagement with the world - is the basis for proposing a transformational model. The underlying assumption is that these characteristics form the bedrock of a missional church and that by making these the key features of seminary training, the gaps can be addressed.
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Fuller Theological Seminary, School of Intercultural Studies School of Intercultural Studies
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