

Marching to victory : Southern Baptist ministry to service men and service women during the Second World War- [e-book]
Marching to victory : Southern Baptist ministry to service men and service women during the Second World War- [e-book]
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Foster, Mark E.
Marching to victory : Southern Baptist ministry to service men and service women during the Second World War - [e-book]
Publish Info  
Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertations Publishing, 2013
Material Info  
269 p
General Note  
Adviser: Daniel H. Holcomb.
Thesis (Ph.D.) - New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, 2013.
요약The Second World War was one of the defining events of the twentieth century. In that conflict, the United States of America fielded the largest military force in its history and one of the largest the world has seen. This research examines the way Southern Baptists responded to the opportunities and needs for ministry to members of the military in that war. The thesis defended in this research is that Southern Baptists ministered to service men and women through three main channels: the chaplaincy, the national Southern Baptist Convention, and the state conventions and local churches. This dissertation is descriptive in nature, seeking to discover the who, what, where, when, and why of that temporary and largely forgotten ministry.
요약Evidence is gathered in chapter 2 concerning the ministry and experiences of Southern Baptist chaplains. Chapter 3 contains evidence regarding the ministry of the national Southern Baptist Convention to men and women in the armed forces, mainly through its Home Mission Board. In chapter 4 the same type of evidence is gathered concerning the ministry of state conventions or associations affiliated with the Southern Baptist Convention. As the research progressed, the benefits of separating local church ministry from state convention ministry became apparent, so chapter 5 gathers the same type of evidence as examples of local church ministry to service men and women. A determination is made that Southern Baptists ministered to men and women in service through four main channels: the chaplaincy, the national convention, the state conventions, and the local church. Baptist polity, which emphasizes the freedom of the individual believer and lower organizational levels in contrast to higher levels, might have hampered Southern Baptist ministry to service men and women in some areas but in others allowed the state conventions or local churches to respond to needs and to minister to service men and women to the degree desired.
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New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.
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