

Evaluating near shore spinal injuries and alternatives to reduce their occurrence- [e-book]
Evaluating near shore spinal injuries and alternatives to reduce their occurrence- [e-book]
Falcon, Jamie.
Evaluating near shore spinal injuries and alternatives to reduce their occurrence - [e-book]
Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertations Publishing, 2016
138 p
Adviser: Scott Farrow.
Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Maryland, Baltimore County, 2016.
요약 : Most recreational activities involve risk which is managed by a combination of individual choice and provider management. Coastal beach recreation is popular but injuries can occur. In particular, spinal injuries can occur when bathers are thrown by waves, or erroneously dive into shallow water. Victims may be thrown by waves when they are intentionally riding the waves or even when they may be standing, sitting or walking. Personnel at coastal beaches take actions that can both potentially increase or decrease the incidence and severity of coastal spinal injuries. The effects of beach replenishment, artificial reefs, and on-site education efforts are surveyed and evaluated for their effect on the incidence and severity of potential spinal injuries reported at the scene of the incident. Beach replenishment is an ongoing government activity believed to be related to spinal injuries. Artificial reefs are significantly affected by existing policy. A body of literature suggests that relevant asymmetries of information are reduced by education efforts. These three policy alternatives are evaluated for their empirical contribution to the apparent severity of injuries and the incidence of aquatic spinal injuries. Two limited dependent variable approaches are used, an ordered dependent variable and a count approach. Four models, and appropriate sensitivity analyses, are presented. The policy variables of interest are not statistically significant at traditional thresholds in the four primary models. In sensitivity analyses, the coefficient related to beach replenishment is statistically significant in eight of the sixty specifications. To the extent that policy-makers may consider alternatives consistent with the alternative hypothesis of an effect, the effect of timing of beach replenishment is discussed.
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University of Maryland, Baltimore County Public Policy
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T0013141 DT  Ph.D. 전자화일 열람만 가능 열람만 가능

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