

Social holiness : The politics of Wesleyan theology- [e-book]
Social holiness : The politics of Wesleyan theology- [e-book]
Eli, Richard George.
Social holiness : The politics of Wesleyan theology - [e-book]
Ann Arbor, MI : UMI Dissertations Publishing, 1990
241 p
Supervisor: Thomas A. Langford.
Thesis (Ph.D.) - Duke University, 1990.
요약 : The relationship of Wesley's understanding of redemption to the socio-political order has been interpreted exclusively as a movement from the individual believer to society at large. This Dissertation contends that Christian community is a prerequisite for such movement, and that the relationship between redemption and the socio-political order can only be understood through the church.
요약 : The Dissertation investigates resources in Wesley's own writing and in the writings of interpreters of Wesley. Wesley's doctrine of redemption is interpreted from the perspective of Wesley's understanding of transformation in the kingdom of God. The Dissertation attempts a constructive interpretation of what social holiness means from the perspective of the kingdom of God. The implications that emerge show Wesley's understanding of social holiness as distinctive for understanding the relation of Christian community to the socio-political order.
요약 : For Wesley, social holiness possesses two dimensions. The first dimension of social holiness deals with the structuring of the church as transformed community, in which Christian life is nurtured and brought to maturity. Because the church in mission is a transforming community, the second dimension of social holiness has to do with the engagement of church and society. The character of Christian community and the qualities of Christian discipleship become meaningful only as they are made relevant within the social order, proving the life changing transformation available through relationship with Jesus Christ.
요약 : Social holiness is faith active in love, demonstrated in unrestrained care and concern for human well being. Its goals are derived from and achieved by grace. Grace is Christ, and the mind of Christ is the alternate consciousness that Christian community manifests. Social holiness demands that the church be involved in concrete ways in society, proclaiming God's future in the present by means of the transforming power of the presence of God's kingdom. The Dissertation concludes that social holiness describes and identifies the distinctive nature and mission of Christian corporate character in the Wesleyan tradition.
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Duke University.
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