

The Catholic Church on marital intercourse- [e-book] : from St. Paul to Pope John Paul II.
The Catholic Church on marital intercourse- [e-book] : from St. Paul to Pope John Paul II.
Obach, Robert.
The Catholic Church on marital intercourse - [e-book] : from St. Paul to Pope John Paul II. Obach, Robert
[Sl] : The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, 2009.
236 p.
The Catholic Church on marital intercourse: from St. Paul to Pope John Paul II -- Contents -- Preface -- Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- 1. Biblical Approaches to Marital Sexuality -- 2. St. Paul’s Unwitting Contributions to the Church’s Negative Thinking on Marital Intercourse -- 3. Early Church Leaders Defend Marriage Against Gnostic Attacks -- 4. Augustine: The Man Who Carved in Stone the Church’s Conditional Acceptance of Marital Intercourse -- 5. Monks, Theologians, Bishops, and Popes Disparage Marital Intercourse -- 6. The Law of Clerical Celibacy Embodies the Bias Against Marital Intimacy -- 7. Canon Law Sees Nothing Spiritual in Marital Intimacy -- 8. Marriage Recognized as a Sacrament -- 9. St. Thomas Aquinas: Modifications and Qualifications -- 10. Some Attempts to See Other Values in Marital Intercourse -- 11. The Council of Trent: Motives for Marrying and Motives for Abstaining from Marital Intercourse -- 12. A New Development: Spousal “Affection” Related to “Love” -- 13. Confessing Sins Related to Sexual Activity -- 14. Pope, Bishops, Theologians, and Canon Law Stress Procreation as the Primary Purpose of Marriage -- 15. A New Vision: Love Related to Marital Intercourse -- 16. The Teaching of Pope Pius XI: Procreation or Abstinence -- 17. A Rejected Perspective: Bodily Union as the “Direct Purpose” of Marital Intercourse -- 18. The Break with St. Augustine: Pope Pius XII Accepts the Rhythm Method -- 19. The Effects of Papal Teaching: Frustration and Tears -- 20. The Second Vatican Council (1962–1965) Recognizes the Value of Marital Love -- 21. The Postconciliar Work of the “Birth Control Commission” and Its Culmination in Humanae Vitae -- 22. Pope John Paul II: Old Assertions and New Perceptions -- 23. Conscience and Fidelity to Church Teaching -- Epilogue -- Index
요약 : The Catholic Church on Marital Intercourse traces the development of the Church's theology of marital sexuality from New Testament times to the present day. The early ecclesial leaders promoted a theology of sexuality based on Stoicism's biological perception that sexual activity was solely for the purpose of reproduction. Only in the early twentieth century did a few theologians begin to move beyond discussing "the purposes of marital intercourse" to discussing the meaning that the marital act might have for the spouses themselves. With the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), a new and positive view of marital sexuality emerged recognizing the Pauline view that the couple's marital acts express their love for each other along the lines of Christ's love for his church (Ephesians 5). In sum, The Catholic Church on Marital Intercourse treats the way in which the Catholic Church has moved away from an attitude of conditional acceptance of marital intercourse on the basis of its utility to recognition that the dynamics of sexual union are both good and holy, not only because that is the way children are conceived, but also because the marital act enhances the love of husband and wife for each other.
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Obach, Robert
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