

Byzantine Rome and the Greek popes- [e-book] : Eastern influences on Rome and the papacy from Gregory the Great to Zacharias, A.D. 590-752.
Byzantine Rome and the Greek popes- [e-book] : Eastern influences on Rome and the papacy from Gregory the Great to Zacharias, A.D. 590-752.
Ekonomou, Andrew J.
Byzantine Rome and the Greek popes - [e-book] : Eastern influences on Rome and the papacy from Gregory the Great to Zacharias, A.D. 590-752. Ekonomou, Andrew J
[Sl] : The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, 2007.
360 p.
Byzantine Rome and the Greek popes: Eastern influences on Rome and the papacy from Gregory the Great to Zacharias, A.D. 590-752 -- Contents -- Abbreviations -- Chapter I: Cum Illi Graeci Sint, Nos Latini1: Rome and the East in the Time of Gregory the Great -- Chapter II: Corpora Nostra Cum Inimicis Nostris Abibunt, Corda Nostra Com Christo Manebunt1: The Impact of the Barbarian Invasions of the East on Rome and the Papacy in the Early Seventh Century -- Chapter III: Diligo Romanos ut Unam Habentes Fidem; Graecos Autem ut Eadem Qua Ego Lingua Loquentes1: The Monothelite Controversy -- Chapter IV: Reverendissimi Abbates, Presbyteri, nec Non Monachi Introeant1: The Lateran Council of 649 -- Chapter V: The Italian Expedition of Constans II: Prelude to the Greek Popes, 649-678 -- Chapter VI: Rome and the Papacy from Agatho to Sergius I, 678-701 -- Chapter VII: Eastern Influences on Rome and the Papacy from Sergius I to Zacharias, 701-752 -- Epilogue Zacharias, Son of Polychronios: The Last of the Greek Popes -- Bibliography -- Index -- About the Author
요약 : influenced Rome and the Papacy following the Justinian Reconquest of Italy in the middle of the sixth century through the pontificate of Zacharias and the collapse of the exarchate of Ravenna in 752. A combination of factors resulted in the arrival of significant numbers of easterners in Rome, and those immigrants had brought with them a number of eastern customs and practices previously unknown in the city. Greek influence became apparent in art, religious ceremonial and liturgics, sacred music, the rhetoric of doctrinal debate, the growth of eastern monastic communities, and charitable institutions, and the proliferation of the cults of eastern saints and ecclesiastical feast days and, in particular, devotion to the Theotokos or Mother of God. From the late seventh to the middle of the eighth century, eleven of the thirteen Roman pontiffs were the sons of families of eastern provenance. While conceding that over the course of the seventh century Rome indeed experienced the impact of an important Greek element, some scholars of the period have insisted that the degree to which Rome and the Papacy were "orientalized" has been exaggerated, while others argue that the extent of their "byzantinization" has not been fully appreciated. The question has also been raised as to whether Rome's oriental popes were responsible for sowing the seeds of separatism from Byzantium and laying the foundation for a future papal state, or whether they were loyal imperial subjects ever steadfast politically, although not always so in matters of the faith, to the reigning sovereign in Constantinople.
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Ekonomou, Andrew J.
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