

Questions for Christians- [e-book] : the surprising truths behind basic beliefs.
Questions for Christians- [e-book] : the surprising truths behind basic beliefs.
Morreall, John.
Questions for Christians - [e-book] : the surprising truths behind basic beliefs. Morreall, John
[Sl] : The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, 2014.
281 p.
Questions for Christians: the surprising truths behind basic beliefs -- Contents -- 1. Why Ask Questions? -- 2. Thoughtful Faith -- 3. The Bible -- 4. Jesus Christ -- 5. The Trinity -- 6. The Fall -- 7. Life after Death -- 8. Angels and Demons -- 9. The Good Life -- 10. Churches -- Notes -- Bibliography -- Index -- About the Author
요약 : Questions for Christians: The Surprising Truths behind Basic Beliefs asks whether or not Christians today have gotten Jesus’ message right, drawing on the Bible and the history of Christianity for answers. From the gender of God to what happens when we die, Questions for Christians digs into some of the thorniest points of the Christian faith—questions that many people would rather ignore. Most Christians today believe in “just wars,” but how do we reconcile this belief with Jesus’ saying “Do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also,” or the pacifism of most early Christians? Protestants and Catholics today generally believe that Jesus died on the cross to atone for our sins, but most Orthodox Christians don’t believe this, and neither did most Western churches before 1100. What is the truth? Drawing on sources both ancient and modern, John Morreall explores these issues while identifying points of controversy. Some of the answers are surprising, while others provide a more complete understanding of common beliefs.
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Morreall, John
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