

Ever ancient, ever new- [e-book] : ruminations on the city, the soul, and the church, volume 4.
Ever ancient, ever new- [e-book] : ruminations on the city, the soul, and the church, volume 4.
Fortin, Ernest L.
Ever ancient, ever new - [e-book] : ruminations on the city, the soul, and the church, volume 4. Fortin, Ernest L
[Sl] : The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, 2007.
390 p.
Ever ancient, ever new: ruminations on the city, the soul, and the church, volume 4 -- Contents -- Foreword: The Propaedeutic Theology of Emest L. Fortin -- About this Volume -- Acknowledgments -- I. The Early Church And The Wisdom Of The Greeks -- 1. The Rebirth of Patristic Studies -- 2. The Church Fathers and the Transmission of the Christian Message -- 3. The Nature of the Christian Message -- 4. The "Rhetoric" of the Church Fathers -- 5. Saint Augustine and the Neoplatonic Doctrine of the Soul: Letter 137.11 (translated by Marc A. LePain) -- 6. The City of God -- II. Philosophical Culture In The Middle Ages -- 7. Translatio Studii -- 8. Thomas Aquinas as a Political Thinker -- 9. Dante and Averroism -- III. Biblical Faith And Modern Philosophy -- 10. The New Moral Theology: Genesis and Present State -- 11. Christianity and the Enlightenment: A Foreword -- 12. The Enlightenment and the Church: The Changing Configurations -- 13. A Tocquevillian Perspective on Religion and the American Regime -- 14. Humanae Vitae's Silver Jubilee: Twenty-Five Years Later -- 15. Men of Letters: The Little-Known Correspondence Between Leo Strauss and Eric Voegelin -- IV. Catholic Education: Its Past And Its Future -- 16. Why I Am Not a Thomist -- 17. Philosophy and Democratic Education -- 18. The New Catholic College -- 19. An Academic Approach to the Teaching of Theology -- 20. Moral Values -- V. Ecumenical Dialogue -- 21. The Anguish of Unity: A Roman Catholic Perspective -- 22. The Ecumenical Venture -- 23. Holiness of the Church and Ministerial Holiness -- 24. Christian Mission and Spirituality: Roman Catholics and Methodists in Dialogue -- 25. Ecumenism-Where Do We Go from Here? -- VI. Selected Responses And Remarks -- 26. Public Theology: A Response to Max Stackhouse -- 27. Religious Consciousness: A Response to Robert Bellah -- 28. The Enlightenment and Freedom: Critical Remarks on Ernest van den Haag's "The Desolation of Reality" -- 29. Religion and the American Regime -- 30. Comment on Hughes Regarding the Strauss-Voegelin Correspondence -- 31. Aristotle and the Sociobiologists: An Old Controversy Revived -- VII. Selected Reviews -- Jean Bethke Elshtain, Augustine and the Limits of Politics -- Harry A. Wolfson, The Philosophy of the Church Fathers -- Jaroslav Pelikan, Emergence of the Christian Tradition -- H.Y. Jung, The Crisis of Political Understanding -- A.S. McGrade, The Political Thought of William of Ockham -- David Hollenbach, Justice, Peace, and Human Rights -- VIII. Facetiae Fortinianae: The Wit Of Ernest Fortin -- Pep Rallies -- Epilogue: An Intellectual Autobiography -- Bibliography of Fortin's Works -- Index -- About the Author -- About the Editor
요약 : More than any other thinker in the twentieth century, Ernest L. Fortin, A.A. (1923-2002) resuscitated the study of political philosophy for Catholic theology. Fortin's interests and accomplishments were vast, ranging from the Church Fathers, to Dante and Aquinas, to modern rights, American democracy, and Catholic social justice. His dispassionate scholarly heft was animated by a pressing drive to understand and rise above the crises of our times, and it was applied with a gingerly and accessible touch. Consequently, Fortin's writings are among the most lucid, perceptive, and enjoyable that one will ever read. Ever Ancient Ever New is the fourth and final volume of Ernest Fortin's collected essays, compiled and edited after his death by his archivist and student Michael Foley. While it echoes the themes of the earlier three volumes-showcasing the essays that made Fortin such an authority in his field-Ever Ancient Ever New also includes articles never before published as well as articles on topics not represented in the earlier collections. Ever Ancient Ever New is indispensable for anyone wishing to continue their education in the wit and wisdom of Ernest Fortin or to begin learning from him for the first time.
기타 저자  
Fortin, Ernest L.
기타 저자  
Foley, Michael B.
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