

Church ethics and its organizational context- [e-book] : learning from the sex abuse scandal in the Catholic church
Church ethics and its organizational context- [e-book] : learning from the sex abuse scandal in the Catholic church
Church ethics and its organizational context - [e-book] : learning from the sex abuse scandal in the Catholic church
[Sl] : The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, 2005.
224 p.
Church ethics and its organizational context: Learning from the sex abuse scandal in the Catholic church -- Dedication -- Contents -- Abbreviations -- Introduction -- Part I: New Ways of Understanding the Crisis -- Section 1: The Crisis and the Scandal; 1: Understanding the Crisis in the Church -- 2: The Sexual Abuse Scandal As Social Drama -- Section 2: The Context of the Church in the United States; 3: The Six Ages of Catholicism in America -- 4. The Struggle to Preserve Religious Capital: A Sociological Perspective on the Catholic Church in the United States -- Section 3: The Church and Leadership: Perspectives on Reform; 5: Ecclesiological Perspectives on Church Reform -- 6: Looking Good Vs. Being Good: Pitfalls of Maintaining Perceptions of Strong Leadership Following Organizational Scandals -- Part II: Ethics, Organizations, And Church Culture -- Section 1: Framing Professional Relationships in the Church; 7: Toward an Ecclesial Professional Ethics -- 8. Renewing the Psychological Contracts of the Clergy and Laity -- Section 2: Organizational Perspectives on Morality and Ethics; 9: Organizational Morality -- 10. Ethics Codes, Intervention, and Corruption Reform Methods for Ecclesial Professionals -- Section 3: Proposing an Ethical Code?; 11: A Professional Code of Ethics Reflecting the Nature of a Christian Vocation and an Understanding of Leadershipin the Church -- 12. A Professional Code of Ethics? -- Section 4: Civil and Canonical Cautions; 13: Toward an Ecclesiastical Professional Ethic: Lessons from the Legal Profession -- 14. Turning Pro: Theologico-Canonical Hurdles on the Way to a Professional Ethic for Church Leaders -- Section 5: Reflections on an Ethical Church Culture; 15: Reflections on Ethics, Organizations, and Church Culture -- 16. An Ethical Church Culture -- Index -- About the Editors and Authors
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Bartunek, Jean M.
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Hinsdale, Mary Ann
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Keenan, James F.
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