

Cultivating original enlightenment- [e-book] : Wŏnhyo's Exposition of the vajrasamādhi-sūtra (Kŭmgang sammaegyŏng non)
Cultivating original enlightenment- [e-book] : Wŏnhyo's Exposition of the vajrasamādhi-sūtra (Kŭmgang sammaegyŏng non)
Cultivating original enlightenment - [e-book] : Wŏnhyos Exposition of the vajrasamādhi-sūtra (Kŭmgang sammaegyŏng non) Wŏnhyo
[Sl] : University of Hawaii Press, 2007.
441 p.
The International Association of Wŏnhyo Studies collected works of Wŏnhyo v. 1
Cultivating original enlightenment: wŏnhyo’s exposition of the vajrasamādhi-sūtra (Kŭmgang sammaegyŏng non), volume I -- Contents -- Preface -- Abbreviations and Conventions -- Part 1: Study -- I. Contemplative Practice in the Exposition of the Vajrasamādhi-Sūtra -- II. The Writing of the Exposition -- III. The Exposition as Commentary -- Part 2: Wŏnhyo’s Exposition of the Vajrasamādhi-Sūtra: An Annotated Translation -- Roll One: Part One: A Statement of Its Main Idea -- Part Two: An Analysis of the Themes of the Sūtra -- Part Three: An Explication of the Title -- Part Four: An Exegesis of the Text; Section One: Prologue -- Section Two: Main Body, the Sequential Elucidation of Contemplation Practice -- Roll Two: Second Division of Contemplation Practice: Extinguishing the Mind Subject to Production in Order to Explain the Practice of Nonproduction -- Third Division of Contemplation Practice: The Inspiration of Original Enlightenment -- Fourth Division of Contemplation Practice: Abandoning the Spurious to Access Reality -- Roll Three: Fifth Division of Contemplation Practice: Sanctified Practices Emerge from the Voidness of the True Nature -- Sixth Division of Contemplation Practice: Immeasurable Dharmas Access the Tathāgatagarbha -- Section Three (A): Dhāranī [Codes] and Section Three (B): Dissemination -- Appendix: A Schematic Outline of Wŏnhyo’s: Exposition of the Vajrasamādhi-Sūtra -- Notes -- Glossary of Sinitic Logographs -- Bibliography -- Index.
요약 : The most influential thinkers in the Korean philosophical tradition. Koreans know Wŏnhyo in his various roles as Buddhist mystic, miracle worker, social iconoclast, religious proselytist, and cultural hero. Above all else, Wŏnhyo was an innovative thinker and prolific writer, whose works cover the gamut of Indian and Sinitic Buddhist materials: Some one hundred treatises and commentaries are attributed to him, twenty-three of which are extant today. Wŏnhyo's importance is not limited to the peninsula, however. His writings were widely read in China and Japan, and his influence on the overall development of East Asian Mahâyâna thought is significant, particularly in relation to the Huayan, Chan, and Pure Land schools. In Cultivating Original Enlightenment, the first volume in the Collected Works of Wŏnhyo series, Robert E. Buswell, Jr., translates Wŏnhyo's longest and culminating work, the Exposition of the Vajrasamâdhi-Sûtra (Kŭmgang sammaegyŏng non). Wŏnhyo here brings to bear all the tools acquired throughout a lifetime of scholarship and meditation to the explication of a scripture that has a startling connection to the Korean Buddhist tradition. In his treatise, Wŏnhyo examines the crucial question of how enlightenment can be turned from a tantalizing prospect into a palpable reality that manifests itself in all activities. East Asian Buddhism is founded on the assurance that the prospect of enlightenment is something innate to the mind itself and inherently accessible to all living creatures. In Wŏnhyo's presentation, this notion of "original enlightenment" is transformed from an abstract philosophical concept into a practical tool of meditative training. Wŏnhyo's Exposition provides a ringing endorsement of the prospect that all human beings have to recover the enlightenment that is said to be innate in the mind and to make it a tangible force in all of our activities.
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Robert E. Buswell Jr.
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